Revived an old laptop... what else can I do?

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Jan 7, 2009
Rochester, MI, US, World
I recently inherited an old laptop for work (I'm typing on it now). I have no idea how old it is, but I'm guessing at least 2004 or older. It had Quicken 2004 installed when I got it, and has MS Office 2003. Windows XP, Intel Celeron M 1.4GHz, 512mb RAM, 60GB HDD... screaming speed, I know. But it's sufficient for the rare times I'll use it for work. Anyhow...

When I first fired it up, it was slooooooooooowwww. I mean almost unbearable. I have no idea when it was last used, but I'd say about a year if I had to guess. Things I did to improve it:

Deleted all programs and files I didn't need, then defragmented the HDD. I then cleaned the registry, and defragmented it. I then updated Microsoft Security Essentials and ran a scan (no problems found). Finally, I downloaded Google Chrome to use instead of Internet Explorer. Even with the computer cleaned out, IE was still a dog. Chrome is darn quick! Now the computer is actually surprisingly usable for how old it is. I do have a subscription to Norton 360 antivirus software, with 3 licenses, but they're all being used, so I'm just going to use free antivirus software on this beast. I won't be online with it much anyhow.

Anything else you guys recommend to get this machine running in tip-top performance mode? And I don't plan on putting any money into it (RAM, HDD, etc) so that's out.
I should also add the the WiFi network card was only updated to work with WEP encryption... it was that old
After an update, it now supports WPA2 just fine
If you think the hardware is still OK (e.g. no failed motherboards or that sort of thing), then I;d go online and buy a cheap SSD. Since you only had 60 GB, a 64GB unit would be fine.

Then Id either wipe it out and install some free and efficient OS, or else just image Windows over. Then I'd max the RAM on it, and call it a day.
Originally Posted By: dparm
I'd just install Ubuntu. Would be totally fine for surfing, email, etc.

Heck. Go for Linux Puppy. I got a P 4 Celeron to work pretty well with it. Well, its actually a plug and play type thing. You can run it off a CD, or even better off a USB. Full installation is available, although I don't know why in the world you would do that.

The computer has about 10% of the transistors of a modern computer, and it has to work flat out when you tune in Youtube. It skips so many frames its a little like a flip book.

I never could get it to hook up with my Canon printer, but I didn't try too hard. Abiword is a surprisingly good word processor unless you are trying to get artsy. Ran best with Seamonkey.
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I use a still using Dell D800 from about 2002. Using a Pentium M at 1.7 mhz. Upgraded ram to 1gb, helped alot. Tried out Windows 7 using alot of Vista drivers. Ran, but way too slow. Went back to XP on a fresh install, and it meets most needs. Slow on video and pages w/ alot of ads, but ok for most things. I do need an upgrade though.

If you try an SSD, make sure the harddrive has a matching interface. I suggest going from 512mb to at least 1GB. No need to match sizes as the chipset has single channel controller.
Originally Posted By: Klutch9
And I don't plan on putting any money into it (RAM, HDD, etc) so that's out.
Maybe someone has some memory laying around that they can donate?
Originally Posted By: daves66nova
Originally Posted By: Klutch9
And I don't plan on putting any money into it (RAM, HDD, etc) so that's out.
Maybe someone has some memory laying around that they can donate?

I actually do have some RAM lying around. Unfortunately for me, it's all the wrong type...
me too, i have 4 gigs (2 times 2 gig chips) of ddr2 667mhz, so dimms

if this fits your computer just send me a pm with your address, i will throw it in the mail free
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I'm a computer professional and work for a medium business that used to be a small business. In the old days I spent a lot of time trying to revive old computers like that one. My experience has been that there's nothing that will help and old windows computer more than a fresh install. However, make sure you can get all the drivers downloaded and on a flash drive before wiping it or you'll have a lot of work ahead of you figuring out which hardware the machine has and getting those drivers. Also I'd be sure to do a full format and not a quick one. A harddrive that old may have more bad sectors than the smarts on the disk can compensate for, a full format will detect those and mark them so that important data doesn't get lost in one.

With a computer that old it will never be great and by the time you install all the 130+ windows updates after service pack 3 and install the modern browsers, anti-virus and any other software you'll probably be back to being pretty slow again. For the best speed experience a linux OS is probably the best bet. I've been successful with Ubuntu for years but on a machine that old Xubuntu is probably a better pick. Also 512M isn't much ram any more. Even 1GB is pretty slim. A memory upgrade might help as well.

Hope that is helpful.
Originally Posted By: solorexpy
+1 to fresh install of windows. If that's out, definitely try malwarebytes antimalware too. That usually picks up a bunch of issues.

Malwarebytes is pretty good, used it a few times. I have a dimension 2400 still in use!

For easy advice, i would edit which programs run on startup.. disable programs from running on startup..might save some background processes from running = a bit more power for other stuff.

Good luck!!
For those wondering what type of RAM this laptop takes, it's DDR PC2700, non-ECC. Has 2 slots, will take 2 GB total (1GB x 2). I am using 512mb right now.
Originally Posted By: Klutch9
For those wondering what type of RAM this laptop takes, it's DDR PC2700, non-ECC. Has 2 slots, will take 2 GB total (1GB x 2). I am using 512mb right now.

OK, I'll see what I have kicking around that I can mail you.
Might want to move to something other than windows xp soon, support for it ends april 8, 2014.

And the memory would be so-dimm right, for laptops, and not the full length desktop sticks.
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