Purposely door dinged. Cops involved.

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I know somebody who would pour his coffee all over the windshield of someone who parked like the gray pickup truck did. He said it brought him great satisfaction. He didn't "damage" anything but there was some amount of windshield washing involved. LOL
Originally Posted By: dishdude
What an insane story, the driver of that Titan sounds like he's missing a few screws.

Some idiot truck owners have a tough guy mentality and persona.

The bigger the truck.... the bigger their childish ego.
Originally Posted By: thorromig
Sorry, but if that was my car I would not have parked there. Im in no way justifying for what he did but -- use better judgement when parking a brand new car.
Usually I don't park like that. The guy on the right of me works with me. He would never damage my car in anyway, great guy btw (he has worked on my car, I trust him 100%). I was parked in the back and I thought a guy driving a 40-50K truck wouldn't use his door as a battering ram. Oh well.
That sucks... Otherwise, if you don't mind me asking - you're a student who works at Walmart.... So how and why do you drive a new vehicle? How do you justify it financially? Or pay for it for that matter...
The lines are painted too close to each other, allowing comfortable space for only smaller vehicles. The little car barely fits in there even when parked perfectly. The trucks next to it would likely have to make several attempts to get perfect centering. And even then, would probably be too close to the cars next to them. I'd wager that both trucks are touching both lines.

On my trips to WM I always look for a more secluded area.
If you work at store I have to ask are you supposed to park in customer spots? Typically aren’t you required to park further or was this nut job parked in employee area far away?
Originally Posted By: HorseThief
That sucks... Otherwise, if you don't mind me asking - you're a student who works at Walmart.... So how and why do you drive a new vehicle? How do you justify it financially? Or pay for it for that matter...

You got a lot of nerve asking that when you STEAL horses.
Originally Posted By: madRiver
If you work at store I have to ask are you supposed to park in customer spots? Typically aren’t you required to park further or was this nut job parked in employee area far away?
Its employee parking. For what ever reason it got painted wrong.
Originally Posted By: HorseThief
That sucks... Otherwise, if you don't mind me asking - you're a student who works at Walmart.... So how and why do you drive a new vehicle? How do you justify it financially? Or pay for it for that matter...
Large down payment. After my down payment I have 13K on the loan. I also live with my payments. I also don't spend my money on stuff I don't need. I can pay this car off in under 2 years. On top of that it has 140K mile warranty.
Originally Posted By: HorseThief
That sucks... Otherwise, if you don't mind me asking - you're a student who works at Walmart.... So how and why do you drive a new vehicle? How do you justify it financially? Or pay for it for that matter...

Man, I just don't ask people questions like that.
If I'm reading this correctly,the douche bag asked you if that was your Jetta,and then proceeded to purposely damage your car right there in front of you??
Originally Posted By: rooflessVW
I wouldn't bother taking your car to VW for an estimate. I'm quite sure there is a better body shop closer to you.
I have a VW/BMW dealership in town. Never dealt with them before. I just don't want wanna take it someplace then regret it. Unfortunately, my mom in her new at the time 07 Optima to a body shop after someone had hit her, had work done to it. Just didn't feel/look the same.
Originally Posted By: aquariuscsm
If I'm reading this correctly,the douche bag asked you if that was your Jetta,and then proceeded to purposely damage your car right there in front of you??
No, He first through his door into my car, then asked if it was mine. Then proceeded to hump it.
Originally Posted By: HorseThief
That sucks... Otherwise, if you don't mind me asking - you're a student who works at Walmart.... So how and why do you drive a new vehicle? How do you justify it financially? Or pay for it for that matter...

I'm very proud of him for going to school,working,and paying for his own brand new vehicle. He seems like a very mature,responsible,and hard working guy.
I commend you for your self control. You handled it better than what I would've. I would've snapped his neck,or best case,punched out his windshield. He would've been going to the hospital instead of home. An accident is one thing,but this scum bag deserved no mercy. That dude is either really brave or just plain stupid.
I used to work at WM. Worst clientele in retail, hands down. Rude, dirty, thieving, arrogant. I once had a whole family come up to me dressed in Neo-Nazi symbols. They were anything but genetically perfect!
Originally Posted By: Crispysea
I used to work at WM. Worst clientele in retail, hands down. Rude, dirty, thieving, arrogant. I once had a whole family come up to me dressed in Neo-Nazi symbols. They were anything but genetically perfect!
Most people I have ever worked with at Walmart is just trying to make an honest dollar for their family. Some though are really just scum bags. I would agree that there are a lot of scumbags at walmart, luckily 75% of the guys are awesome.

The whole Neo-Nazi thing. They are people too, they shop where we shop. In the mid-west. Some places just have a Walmart. Where its cheap and lots of items. That brings in a HUGE amount of people from rich, to the poor. In this case Neo-Nazi's. The other day, I seen a neo-nazi at TacoBell. I know, not the most classy place in the world. I honestly believe these people just slept through history class, and was awake for the good parts of nazism. I mean, does anyone that has paid attention in history class actually think highly of a guy rolling around with a swastika on his head?

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