New world's hottest pepper just cultivated

May 25, 2005
It sounds like the guy that cultivated the Carolina Reaper has come up with a hotter pepper. Not really sure why. When a food causes heavy cramps and burning for hours I'm out. But according to the article,

"Pepper X, which has a rating of 2,693,000 Scoville Heat Units was named hottest chili pepper in the world by Guinness World Records on Oct. 9. The heat of the pepper lingered with Currie hours after he completed his initial taste test. “I was feeling the heat for 3½ hours. Then the cramps came."
yeah IIRC is about 2-3x hotter than the previous record.

you might as well guzzle half a bottle of bear spray for all the good it is.

Not like you can even taste anything.. except pain.
We used to have a small group of guys at work who intentionally tried to out-do each other with eating/cooking with these peppers.

No thanks.
I was in an Indian restaurant and ordered a spicy dish that came mild, medium, or hot. I ordered medium. I was crying. Tears were running down my face. My lips and mouth were numb. I like spicy food but this was the hottest thing I've ever eaten. Although the heat was too intense for me, it was very flavorful. When I got the bill to pay, it said "mild". I asked the server, yo, that was mild? He sheepishly said, "Yes, I didn't think you could handle medium."
The heat of a habanero is my limit. Reason being that, for me, heat past that starts to overwhelm flavor which is pointless. I don’t fault the guy though for developing the hybrid.
Might hang it from my arbors to keep the deer away but other than that? Maybe a sliver into a pot of sauce just to say I tried it.
Why do you guys think these peppers have no flavor?

I've grown Reapers and did eat one. It was a crazy experience. We tried to make the rest into a sauce but the ferment spoiled.

Only morons actually cook with these hot peppers for the attention seeking that they crave. And only morons actually eat anything made with them, probably for the same reason. Why would anyone deliberately eat anything that is painful or uncomfortable to eat? You can't even taste the food if your mouth is burning....Oh wait, the food is probably garbage because they can't cook, so they have to mask it with heat.
Only morons actually cook with these hot peppers for the attention seeking that they crave. And only morons actually eat anything made with them, probably for the same reason. Why would anyone deliberately eat anything that is painful or uncomfortable to eat? You can't even taste the food if your mouth is burning....Oh wait, the food is probably garbage because they can't cook, so they have to mask it with heat.
I tried a chili pepper mix in New Mexico a few months back while visiting my dad. There's a well known stand that has various local New Mexico chilies and chili peppers. I tried something new according to the guy at the register. It was a mix of four chilies. I touched the chili dust on the inside of the bag with my pinkie. It was smokey then fruity but.... I've never had chili that stair stepped hot then flavorful then hot again four times. My mouth burned for 45 minutes. I can't fathom making something like pepper x.
I was in an Indian restaurant and ordered a spicy dish that came mild, medium, or hot. I ordered medium. I was crying. Tears were running down my face. My lips and mouth were numb. I like spicy food but this was the hottest thing I've ever eaten. Although the heat was too intense for me, it was very flavorful. When I got the bill to pay, it said "mild". I asked the server, yo, that was mild? He sheepishly said, "Yes, I didn't think you could handle medium."
Indian spicy can be all over the map. A place close to me the medium spicy has some kick. And Thai? A place close by lists mild medium hot and Thai hot. The Thai hot smells like it can peel paint.
Not really sure why.

Money. That's why.

Because the Pepper X cultivar was hand cultivated by a single person and does not exist otherwise in nature, the plant and the name will fall under the protections of United States patent law as a novel invention.

Carolina Reaper was never patented and the name never trademarked. Any company can grow the pepper, freely add it to their products, and advertise it by name. It was just a science project done by a guy who liked cultivating peppers. He missed a huge opportunity by not protecting his IP.

Pepper X is different. If you want to commercially grow the pepper, a grower is going to pay for that right. If you want to add it and advertise it in a finished food, a manufacturer is going to pay for that.

You see this all the time in the apple industry. For example, the patent for Cosmic Crisp apples (the Cosmic Crisp name is also trademarked) is held by Washington State University, who created the apple cultivar.
Only morons actually cook with these hot peppers for the attention seeking that they crave. And only morons actually eat anything made with them, probably for the same reason. Why would anyone deliberately eat anything that is painful or uncomfortable to eat? You can't even taste the food if your mouth is burning....Oh wait, the food is probably garbage because they can't cook, so they have to mask it with heat.
:ROFLMAO: Count me as a moron. I grow and eat Ghost and Carolina Reaper Peppers; well I eat the skin only, not the seeds. I like the extreme heat and the taste. I guess I'm just a masochist.
Only morons actually cook with these hot peppers for the attention seeking that they crave. And only morons actually eat anything made with them, probably for the same reason. Why would anyone deliberately eat anything that is painful or uncomfortable to eat? You can't even taste the food if your mouth is burning....Oh wait, the food is probably garbage because they can't cook, so they have to mask it with heat.
Ok Mr. Tires-in-the-bathtub.