New bike doesn't have the claimed 27 speeds

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Mar 2, 2013
The Midwest
I bought a brand new 2013 steel road bike today. LOVE how it rides compared to my aluminum bike.
But I noticed it has an 8 cog rear cassette instead of a 9er.
I counted and shifted several times and compared it to my 27 speed Raleigh.
Prior years of this bike down to 2007 list it as having 27 speeds as well as the 2013.
I can live with 24 speeds. But it can make upgrades harder in the future.
I'm tall and the shop had to order my size.
I want 27 speeds, not a refund.
How would you deal with this?
I thought the rear cogs are interchangeable. Can't you just ask the shop to swap the 8 for a 9? They may swap it for free; if not it shouldn't be that expensive.
Originally Posted By: MrQuackers
I still prefer 3x7. All I need and much cheaper.

My XC bike is still 7 speed, which I do like as a gear change actually results in a change of ratio. For road riding though, fine tuning your cadence with a 9 speed is nice, when you are in a group.
Back OT, if the bike was advertised as having 27 speeds, then take it back.
Originally Posted By: IndyIan

Back OT, if the bike was advertised as having 27 speeds, then take it back.


You bought it with the understanding that it would be 27 speeds. Unless the OP somehow misunderstood and wrongly thought it was 27 speeds, then it's not as advertised.
I think it's pretty amusing it took you this long to figure out it only had 8 speeds.

Originally Posted By: stephen9666
You bought it with the understanding that it would be 27 speeds. Unless the OP somehow misunderstood and wrongly thought it was 27 speeds, then it's not as advertised.

Unless he bought it sight unseen, I disagree.
Originally Posted By: cchase
I think it's pretty amusing it took you this long to figure out it only had 8 speeds.

Originally Posted By: stephen9666
You bought it with the understanding that it would be 27 speeds. Unless the OP somehow misunderstood and wrongly thought it was 27 speeds, then it's not as advertised.

Unless he bought it sight unseen, I disagree.

The OP says he bought it "today," the same day he made his original post. That doesn't seem like an "amusing" length of time.

Unless the OP was mistaken on how many speeds it was supposed to have, why would he count them on a brand new bike? It's not something hugely noticeable like having only two front chain rings when you're supposed to have three. It seems totally understandable that the OP wouldn't notice it until he got home.
Most people who shop for expensive bikes at a bike shop pay close attention to the drivetrain, as its the biggest factor to determine the price point of a bike.
Originally Posted By: cchase
Most people who shop for expensive bikes at a bike shop pay close attention to the drivetrain, as its the biggest factor to determine the price point of a bike.

I have shopped for reasonably high-priced bikes, so I know this.

I still don't think it's unreasonable for someone not to notice 8 vs. 9 speeds until later the day they bought the bike.

The OP also hasn't made it clear if he thought going in that it was 27 speeds, or if only later he was looking at the paperwork, noticed it said 27 and his only had 24.

It would be an easy mistake for many bike buyers to make. No need to say you think his issue is "amusing."

But back on the original topic-
To the OP,
The only way to deal with it is to take the bike back and see what they say. Let us know when you do that.

BTW - what bike specifically did you buy?
Why not ask the shop that ordered it? If it's listed as having a 9 cog cassette, something is wrong.

Did they get it from the factory? Was NOS from another bike shop that ended up being used as a hanger queen or a "free upgrade" for someone and was then pawned off on the next unsuspecting customer?

Ask your LBS what they are going to do about this discrepancy.
I understand his point about upgrades/getting future replacement parts, since EVERY shop I walk into, once I tell them I have a Campy record 10 drivetrain, informs me that I had BETTER buy replacement stuff NOW, since the 10 speed stuff is going away VERY quickly, right on down to the Athena gruppo level!!!

(But this may just be Campy being Campy, and it is not this way with other component companies??
The only 8 speed stuff left is what, below Sora? Like 2300 groupset or something? I think even Sora is 9 speed by now since Tiagra has been 10 speed for a while.

I'd like to hear what the actual bike is, since I can't imagine any of the big names going from 9 speed to 8 speed, especially midstream.
It appears to be a typo on the Bianchi site.

If you notice, it mentions:

Cassette: Shimano HG50 8sp 12/25T

I suspect any mention of 27 speeds and 9 speed shifters is erroneous since I am not aware of a 9 speed 2300 group, as I mentioned earlier.

Still, it seems like the kind of thing you would notice when in the bike shop...

Unless the bike shop told you it was 9 speeds, you took them at their word and didn't look (which is strange to me for someone shopping for a steel road bike), it's Bianchi's fault, not the bike shop. Your best course of action would be to contact Bianchi as the bike shop is likely powerless unless they want to give a goodwill gesture by taking it back.
The dealer took the bike back and will be contacting Bianchi about this typo. The bike is the nicest riding road bike I've ever ridden. The dealer owner insisted I take a test ride on their Sram equipped steel frame Bianchi road bike. It had a Reynolds 631 frame and much better components. First time riding a Sram equipped road bike. Really liked the double tap shifters. Twice as expensive, sub 20 # steel bike and the biggest difference in the ride was the stiffer wheels. Would buy it but I cant stand the puke green color it comes in. I'm waiting to see if the 2014 comes in a different color.

That color is called 'Celeste', and it is one of the MOST iconic shades in all of cycling, as MANY World, TdF, and Giro d'Italia champions have ridden Bianchi bikes painted in it.

But, YES, it IS a "love it or HATE it" type of color.

The one you returned was black with logo decals in that color??
Originally Posted By: dailydriver

That color is called 'Celeste', and it is one of the MOST iconic shades in all of cycling, as MANY World, TdF, and Giro d'Italia champions have ridden Bianchi bikes painted in it.

But, YES, it IS a "love it or HATE it" type of color.

The one you returned was black with logo decals in that color??

White with red lettering. I'm going to test ride a few aluminum frame bikes with carbon forks. Some 2013 bikes are being reduced. I'm 6'3" and 161#'s which probably makes me more sensitive to harsher riding bikes?
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