nd help, leaky briggs carb

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Jun 15, 2003

I figured I'd go check on my generator for the first time in a year or so. She used to have a really slow gas leak, so I wasn't suprised she was empty. Left her almost empty anyways if my memory serves me.

Gassed her up and a stream of gas started at the bottom of the carb. Caught most of it in an oil drain pan. Took carb off to try to figure out where it came from.

Am really confused by where gas should be in this updraft (?) carburetor. The float is in good shape and not saturated; it runs this little needle with a tiny spring that fell out and I stuck back in. The bottom of the carb doesn't have any gaskets or O-rings where it mounts up, etc. (B on pic) and there's this corky filter (A on pic) that gas would drip if it got in the intake. Figure the bottom should be dry, then, just air. So is gas just stored off to the side?

I used to have to run it with the choke half on; tuning this up was part of my planned activities. Gaskets are pretty brittle and will be replaced. Inside of carb was like new, no varnish. Figure "D" is main mixture screw?

Anyways, any help with this evil thing would be appreciated. Like, a link to "carbs 101 for dummies"

Just glad I'm futzing with this thing with the grid working.

[ September 10, 2004, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: eljefino ]
nevermind, I figured it out: there's a "donut" that holds the gas and the air comes up through the middle. There's a gasket on top of the donut that keeps the two seperate; pretty brittle too. A new gasket I shall order!
You have 2 problems. First if you have to run choke half on you have a dirty jet passage which doesn't flow enough gas. Second a carb with bad gaskets don't cause your leak. Your float valve is sticking or not seating causing gas level to run above float and run out vent hole into thoat and out of the bottom drain hole. This is the general rule on all float carbs. When holding upside down with only gravity holding float against needle the float should be level, parallel to bowl . fix is to clean and put carb kit in...
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