Mobil 1 10W-40 HM -- 8,793 miles -- Volvo V70XC

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Feb 1, 2010
Flagstaff, Az
Hi all,

Finally got the oil report for the oil I used over my road trip to Alaska. We covered nearly 9,000 miles. Here are some of the conditions:

Mobil 1 10W-40 High Mileage (SN)
Mahle cartridge filter (Volvo OEM)
(check out my thread on the oil filter here)
Amsoil Ea dry cone filter.
Lubro Moly MOS2, one bottle 300mL .

We went through some VERY steep mountain grades (15%+).
My car was fully loaded (2 other passengers and loads of stuff).
Temperature average was probably around 70 degrees (F).
Lowest temp: 40 degrees for a couple hours.
Highest temp: 98 degrees for 2 days.
Went through a LOT of dusty road conditions.

I'm very happy about the silicon after such a long drive with so much dust. I figured it would be much higher. I have full confidence in the Amsoil Ea filter now.

A little disappointed with the TBN. Their big concern was with the lead, copper, and tin. They attribute that to the severe stress of driving long mountain grades.

I'm probably going to change out my new oil after 5,000 miles to switch to my winter oil. I may or may not spring for another sample then. We'll see!


This is the first M1 SN UOA. I should have one in a few weeks.

The good: Fe is very low and the oil stayed in grade, which is great.

Not so good: Pb/tin are a tad high, but with one UOA it's hard to tell what that means. Engines will wear more when driven under more severe conditions. I'd drop the moly additive.

Considering the conditions, I think it's a very good report.
For one thing you need to run at least 2 OCs with the same oil to get a better idea of the condition of the oil. Vis looks good to me.
Good run, I'd try it once more. Perhaps without the moly to get a comparison(what did you refill with?)...but otherwise:

Incredible Silicon numbers!!

If only Amsoil offered an air filter drop-in for my app.

...though, it could be just an awesomely sealed air intake setup on your vehicle here.
I refilled with 10W-40 HM, exactly what I used for this UOA. I haven't added the moly, and I don't think I will.

I've gone about 1500 miles so far on the new oil, but I've also had some very severe mountain driving: steep grades in 100+ degree weather. Without the mountains, I've still done a lot of driving at 75MPH with AC in nearly 115 degree heat (Phoenix, AZ is a garbage city!).

I'm not going to be surprised if I see similar wear in the next UOA.
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Thanks for the report - helps to know your experience with the M1 HM...personal opinion: we're talking PPM here...and all the #s are in range except lead and tin...which are only a hair high. The copper is normal, so I am not convinced you've got excess bearing wear in a nearly 9K run... I agree with the other guys who wouldn't worry unless a second UOA shows high looks good for the miles driven, age of the car and conditions under which it was operated.

I own two Volvos - both are similar engines (turbo "white engine") and I use the Mahle filter, I've run M1 0W40 in one for about 30K and PU 5W40 in one for about the same length of time.. Out of curiosity, how long have you owned the car? What kind of OCI and oil has it received to date?
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My dad bought the car new in April of 2000. It's almost always had synthetic, with a few fills here and there of dino and semi-syn. OCIs have always been kept to around 5 to 6,000 miles.

I aqcuired the car in Fall of 08, and have been very meticulous in the maintenance. Always full syn changed at 5-7K.

I've done quite a few fixes and light mods to the car, drives very well for its age, and the turbo still puts out a ton of power for it being LPT. The report got that a little wrong, my engine is the 2.4 Low Pressure Turbo (maxing out at around 10 PSI). The 2.3 engine has the High Pressure Turbo which nets closer to 16 PSI.
I know the conditions were harsh, but I don't like the TBN drop for only 9k miles.

Any top-line syn (Mobil 1 HM should qualify) should be able to do 10-12k with ease.

Maybe some of the comments that M1's new formula's are weak-knned is justified?
Originally Posted By: addyguy
I know the conditions were harsh, but I don't like the TBN drop for only 9k miles.

Any top-line syn (Mobil 1 HM should qualify) should be able to do 10-12k with ease.

Maybe some of the comments that M1's new formula's are weak-knned is justified?

Not sure what UOA you are reading, but this oil will easily go another 1200 miles with a 1.9 TBN.
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