Marvel Mystery Oil and Sta-Bil

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Dec 8, 2009
Vancouver, BC
I will be trying mmo in my van and/or car beginning next week.

Based on what I have been reading here on BITOG, I would think mmo should be very good for my 90 hp Honda outboard (carburated), and my 1977 Chev motor home with a 350 engine.

Thing is, in both of those are already receiving a pretty heavy dose of Sta-Bil (the blue marine version). In the outboard, it is taking care of the ethanol problem (hopefully) as well stabilizing the fuel, whereas in the motor home it is for stabilizing as it only goes through 2-3 tanks of fuel annually.

Can I use mmo and Sta-Bil in the tank at the same time without having one negating the effect of the other or causing adverse effect?
Actually, from what i've read (and had happen here at home) MMO seems to have some fuel stabilization properties on it's own.

I've never compared the two against each other in that aspect, but i've used both together in lawn equipment with no side-effects at all.

Come spring, everything starts right up. But then, I got the same results using only MMO before I started using Sta-bil.
Originally Posted By: sr17

Can I use mmo and Sta-Bil in the tank at the same time without having one negating the effect of the other or causing adverse effect?

Per Rich Kelly, the Marvel Technical Director, yes it is fine to fun Stabil and MMO at the same time (from the MMO forum).

While MMO does have some stabilization properties, not as much as Stabil, so using both for long-term fuel storage is a good idea
I've mixed the two for years. I store my mower, power washer, and snow blower with both products. They start right up at the beginning of the season, but smoke a while from the MMO I use to fog them.
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