Is this oil T-shirt racist?

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Mar 2, 2013
The Midwest
Was at a small Ohio chain of drug stores yesterday known as Discount Drug Mart. They often sell closeout T-shirts. I bought this T made by Lucky Brand Jeans for $6.99.
The shirt looks cool but I don't know how people will react to it.
Would you wear it in public?

Black Cat? I see nothing racist there, although with how offended people get I wouldn't be surprised if someone got their feelings hurt.

I had a well-read English teacher use the word "niggardly" back in the day. What a hilarious firestorm that caused. It means a cheap or stingy person, by the way, and has no relation to the "n word".
Originally Posted By: A_Harman
Yes. (would wear it) Gato Negro is Spanish for Black Cat.
There is nothing racist about it.

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Originally Posted By: Bandito440
I had a well-read English teacher use the word "niggardly" back in the day.
I did, too!

You didn't go to school on Cape Cod in the early '70s, did you?
Originally Posted By: RF Overlord
Originally Posted By: Bandito440
I had a well-read English teacher use the word "niggardly" back in the day.
I did, too!

You didn't go to school on Cape Cod in the early '70s, did you?

No. Upstate NY in the early 90s.
Originally Posted By: skyactiv
The shirt looks cool but I don't know how people will react to it.
Would you wear it in public?
I might wear it at a car show or someplace where the people might appreciate the reference, but in today's climate of excessive political correctness and the tendency of people to mind everyone's business but their own, I would be careful.
Originally Posted By: RF Overlord
Originally Posted By: skyactiv
The shirt looks cool but I don't know how people will react to it.
Would you wear it in public?
I might wear it at a car show or someplace where the people might appreciate the reference, but in today's climate of excessive political correctness and the tendency of people to mind everyone's business but their own, I would be careful.

Agree - lots of people around that can barely read so you never know the reaction it might bring. I would wear it at specific car events maybe but not wear it around in general public.
When did we get to be such a bunch of PC babies? It's obvious it's referring to a black cat (it's in the picture). If people get upset about that then they need to get a grip.

People getting upset about names always amazed me. It's a name folks, grow some thick skin!
I agree with not wearing the t-shirt in Detroit, no matter how innocent the logo may be. Too many ignoramuses around. 30% of the folk in the city are functionally illiterate.
Originally Posted By: bradepb
It would probably be safer than a Paula Deen t-shirt though

LOL! Fat southern trash she is. I can't believe she said those things about races across the board. Let me take that back, she is from the South so it's not farfetched...since she is blaming her "upbringing" being raised there the reason why. [censored]!

OP, shirt isn't racist lol. It's Spanish for black cat lol. I hate everything has to be about black/white/brown/red/'s a shame!
Niggardly has ZERO to do with the other N word, contrary to popular (but incorrect) belief.

Originally Posted By: RF Overlord
Originally Posted By: Bandito440
I had a well-read English teacher use the word "niggardly" back in the day.
I did, too!

You didn't go to school on Cape Cod in the early '70s, did you?
Originally Posted By: skyactiv

Would you wear it in public?


No...especially NOT in East Cleveland...there is a reason it is on sale.
I had fun with this dated ad from 1938. A mod had to change my title... I alluded that it was racist when in fact it wasn't racist until I called it so.

More seriously, if you look up "Confederate States of America X-15" on youtube, there's a car care product that supposedly really existed in the 1920s, and a racist mock ad for same.
Originally Posted By: itguy08
When did we get to be such a bunch of PC babies? It's obvious it's referring to a black cat (it's in the picture). If people get upset about that then they need to get a grip.

People getting upset about names always amazed me. It's a name folks, grow some thick skin!

I agree with quote. To the original post: Learn basic Spanish. You're concerned with the word black cat on a T-Shirt........This post and today's stock markets have me worried about my future on this planet!
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