iPad Questions and Concerns.......................

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Apr 11, 2003
1. Is there software for iPads (Apple OS) similar to Norton Internet Security and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?

2. I ask because of a very strange occurrence over the weekend. I was at my sister's house in Central Illinois and I had taken photos on Friday of our family opening presents. That was the only day I used it for photos.

I used it off and on over the weekend (BITOG and ESPN) but I never opened the "Photos" app.

On Wednesday I used the camera on the iPad to take a couple of photos of two of our cats. When I reviewed the photos under the "Photo" app, there was a photo that said it was taken Saturday (the 26th) at 10:50 p.m. The photo was of a 40-ish black female crying as she watched two adult black males hugging, as though they were saying goodbye.

I NEVER TOOK THAT PHOTO! How in the HE** did it get there?

My sister, brother-in-law, niece, and I were all at her house at 10:50 p.m.. The gals were watching a movie and my brother-in-law and I were downstairs in front the of 55-inch TV watching a college bowl game.

The iPad was never used after 10:30 p.m., then it went on the charger overnight.

I connected to the internet for BITOG, ESPN, etc., via my sister's secured router.

You can understand my concern if just about anyone can "push" a picture to your iPad.

Probably not very if I have to ask how one goes about "securing" an iTunes account.
1) Do you use iCloud and if so do you use photo sharing or iCloud drive.
2) Is the iPad locked with a pass code and does anyone know it if so, also is the camera set to be accessible on the lock screen?

I'm assuming you do not know the people in the photograph? Is there a chance it is a picture of the TV or something?

EDIT: You can get Norton Identity safe for iOS, but it is basically a password manager and is IMO superfluous. There are AFAIK no virus programs for iOS, because theoretically you can't install anything that doesn't come from the app store.
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Well, you are about to find out how dumb I am with this dang thing.

Under "Photos and Camera" under "settings," "My Photo Stream" and "iCloud Photo Sharing" is turned ON.

Under "iCloud" in that same "settings" menu, "iCloud Drive" is turned off, but "photos" is on.
I believe if you have Snapchat active, anyone can send you things. Does your sister have a 40-ish black female neighbor?
I turned everything "off" that I cited above.

It told me that all "shared" photos would be deleted, but that did not occur.
Originally Posted By: gathermewool
I believe if you have Snapchat active, anyone can send you things. Does your sister have a 40-ish black female neighbor?

Originally Posted By: dkryan
I turned everything "off" that I cited above.

It told me that all "shared" photos would be deleted, but that did not occur.

Going to need some more info, is any other device signed into the same iCloud account (appleID)?

I assume you know that with photo stream turned on, any photo taken on a device signed into that iCloud account can show up on any other device. So for instance if there is a phone signed into that account and a photo was taken on that phone it would show up on the iPad.

I'd change the password on the appleID if there is any doubt, you'll then have to sign back in on all the devices using that ID.
Originally Posted By: dkryan
Originally Posted By: gathermewool
I believe if you have Snapchat active, anyone can send you things. Does your sister have a 40-ish black female neighbor?


The reason I ask, is because a buddy of mine was sharing a photo with someone else when he saw a third person, I believe using Snapchat (I don't feel the need to share much of anything, so I typically turn everything off and leave it off, and don't have any sharing accounts, so I can't be sure.)

Anyway, he told me this story: Seeing the open share, and thinking he was funny, he took a picture of the crook of his arm, because it looked like a butt, and sent it to the stranger. He turned off sharing before he could get a reply.
I just changed the password for my Apple ID.

The only time I have needed that password is for iTunes and the iTunes store.

My wife and I own no other Apple devices - no iPhones and no other iPads.

As mentioned earlier, I turned off [censored] near everything I could find to turn off!

It's one thing to receive an e-mail message from someone you do not know; it's another to have a photo inserted onto your tablet and you don't have a clue it was placed there until days later.

And the iPad automatically uploads all photos to the Cloud anytime it is connected to Wi-Fi.
The Photo App may be showing you every photo on the iPad, including anything emailed, texted, viewed on the web, Facebook, sent via another App, etc. Usually you can drill down to just your own camera's photos vs everything else.
Originally Posted By: dkryan
My wife and I own no other Apple devices - no iPhones and no other iPads.

And the iPad automatically uploads all photos to the Cloud anytime it is connected to Wi-Fi.

You can just sign out of iCloud if you don't use it...
Thanks for the responses, BITOGers.

As I initially had queried, is there MBAM and/or Norton type of software for Apple products?
Originally Posted By: DuckRyder
EDIT: You can get Norton Identity safe for iOS, but it is basically a password manager and is IMO superfluous. There are AFAIK no antivirus programs for iOS, because theoretically you can't install anything that doesn't come from the app store.
Originally Posted By: dkryan
Thanks for the responses, BITOGers.

As I initially had queried, is there MBAM and/or Norton type of software for Apple products?

Why not search the App store?

Regardless, your problem doesn't sound to be a hack. It sounds like you left a connection open (Appleshare, Snapchat, etc.) and someone, probably someone equally inexperienced, sent a photo to you instead of their intended recipient. You've turned everything off, so you should be good to go.
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