I need a new coffee grinder


Site Donor 2023
Aug 7, 2020
I've been using the Cuisinart Automatic Burr Mill DBM-8WM grinder for about 10 years. This morning it appears to have died. I picked it up at a garage sale for $3.00, so I certainly got my money's worth from it.


I'll play around with it later today to see if I can discover and fix the problem. Barring that, it's probably time for a new grinder. I can replace this unit for about $60.00 new, but before spending the $$$ I'd like to get some suggestions on a replacement. I want to spend less than $100.00 and prefer a smaller-sized grinder. This one has a fairly compact footprint of 7.13 x 6 inches and I'd not like to go much larger. Suggestions?

Any thoughts on these?


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I will add if you got 10 years of service from a used one and it's still available new, I'd consider buying the new Cuisinart your use to.
I will add if you got 10 years of service from a used one and it's still available new, I'd consider buying the new Cuisinart your use to.
Yes, and that was my original thought, but I just have to explore other options. I'm going to a friend's home later this AM and she has a nice grinder that I can look at and use ...
If you're just grinding for drip or french press and you have been happy with the Cuisinart then I would replace it.

I would go along with @Pablo and suggest the Baratza Encore but they are a little more than you want to spend. On the other hand Baratza provides all the parts and videos for fixing them. My Virtuoso broke a tooth of a gear and they sent me the part with links to the video to fix it.
If you're just grinding for drip or french press and you have been happy with the Cuisinart then I would replace it.

I would go along with @Pablo and suggest the Baratza Encore but they are a little more than you want to spend. On the other hand Baratza provides all the parts and videos for fixing them. My Virtuoso broke a tooth of a gear and they sent me the part with links to the video to fix it.
I like the small footprint of the Baratza, and can even put up with the loudness of the machine. However, it doesn't seem to have a way to grind the same amount of coffee time after time. The Cuisinart has a setting that adjusts the time of the grind and holds it through on/off cycles until I choose to change it.
Yeah the Baratza has crept up in price...........Amazon is $135. Not sure elsewhere.

Yes - it's manual. Human timed unless you do the timer switch etc via iPhone
Those Cuisinart "flat burr" last about 6 month they are all trash imo.
I like the small footprint of the Baratza, and can even put up with the loudness of the machine. However, it doesn't seem to have a way to grind the same amount of coffee time after time. The Cuisinart has a setting that adjusts the time of the grind and holds it through on/off cycles until I choose to change it.
yes that is the number one knock on that model. you pay for the grind not the "nice to haves."

This grinder is 99$ and has a basic timer

You can also find breville smart grinder pro refurb models on sale for 139 frequently
Refurbs are currently out of stock
https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/breville-smart-coffee-grinder/?catalogId=79&sku=5539188&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Electrics >%20Coffee%20%26%20Espresso%20Grinders&region_id=794310&cm_ite=5539188_14571727863&gclid=Cj0KCQjw166aBhDEARIsAMEyZh5zaiLCbHOYKSCocEo0bIfvGduIsbDsQyehUYANVSYgRFYBPzalXzUaApE_EALw_wcB

I had the previous model of the breville pro and it lasted 10 years before I retired it and gave it to my parents to replace their blade grinder.

My current "KitchenAid Onyx Black Burr Grinder with Dose Control" does a really good job of grinding consistantly but I dont expect it to make it 10 years.
However I got it on price mistake for 50$ and I think its worth every penny of $150 if it lasts at least 5 years.

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I have a hario skerton. If you’re doing a solo French press in the morning it’s hard to beat. Just grind what you need a minute before needing it. Only takes a minute. Or grind a portion the night before. To each his own.
If you are not in a huge rush you can watch the Baratza refurb page. None here now but I've scored some pretty good deals from them direct.
Those Cuisinart "flat burr" last about 6 month they are all trash imo.

yes that is the number one knock on that model. you pay for the grind not the "nice to haves."
I got very good service from mine. The consistency of the grind (on the settings I use) has been very good ... nice and even.
If you are not in a huge rush you can watch the Baratza refurb page. None here now but I've scored some pretty good deals from them direct.
Thanks for the tip. I looked at my friend's Baratza this morning and decided that it's not a grinder that I'd want to own. The issue that put it out of contention for me is that I can't set it where I want it and just leave it alone and get the same amount of coffee each and every time.

My friend placed her grinder on a couple of pot holders and they quieted the machine somewhat.
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Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. I found a good price for the OXO (from OXO) and ordered one just a short while ago. Saved a nice chunk of change over the Amazon price.
Those Cuisinart "flat burr" last about 6 month they are all trash imo.

yes that is the number one knock on that model. you pay for the grind not the "nice to haves."

This grinder is 99$ and has a basic timer

You can also find breville smart grinder pro refurb models on sale for 139 frequently
Refurbs are currently out of stock
https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/breville-smart-coffee-grinder/?catalogId=79&sku=5539188&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Electrics >%20Coffee%20%26%20Espresso%20Grinders&region_id=794310&cm_ite=5539188_14571727863&gclid=Cj0KCQjw166aBhDEARIsAMEyZh5zaiLCbHOYKSCocEo0bIfvGduIsbDsQyehUYANVSYgRFYBPzalXzUaApE_EALw_wcB

I had the previous model of the breville pro and it lasted 10 years before I retired it and gave it to my parents to replace their blade grinder.

My current "KitchenAid Onyx Black Burr Grinder with Dose Control" does a really good job of grinding consistantly but I dont expect it to make it 10 years.
However I got it on price mistake for 50$ and I think its worth every penny of $150 if it lasts at least 5 years.

Thanks for all the info. The Breville and the KitchenAid have digital controls (it seems) and I don't want that. I've had bad luck with several KA products over the years and no longer buy them.
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. I found a good price for the OXO (from OXO) and ordered one just a short while ago. Saved a nice chunk of change over the Amazon price.
Oxo is hit and miss with me. Some of their stuff is great other just dies early. That said I didn’t even know they made a grinder. You seem to be a savvy consumer - what sold you?
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The oxo has problems clogging with fines.. the chute design isnt straight.
The capresso infinity is much better and not digital.....