How to keep your computer protected for free!

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Mar 17, 2008
Here are some tips:

1. Make sure you have the latest Windows Updates (Setting them for Auto update is best)

2. Make sure your Java is kept updated to the latest version

3. Use a good free Antivirus program: Avira Antivir is the best followed by Avast and then AVG.

4. Use good free Anti-Spyware programs like: Spyware Terminator, SUPERantispyware or A-Squared. (2-3 should be used)

5. Use a good free 2 way firewall. Comodo and Pctools make good firewalls.

6. You can use some supplemental programs like Pctools Threatfire or Comodo Boclean Anti-Malware for more protection

7. Set up the above programs correctly and run scans regularly.

8. Watch where you surf the Internet. Porn sites and free wallpaper sites etc have alot of viruses and malware/adware.

9. Do not fall for scams that pop up on your computer and say you are infected and need to install such and such program. They are a rip off and a lie! Also be wary of pop ups that say you need to download a video codec to watch a video. These are more often than not a way to trick you into downloading a virus/malware. Many times these sites will freeze up your computer and then you want to download them just to get off the site. Do not do it! Just press the control/alt/delete keys and under "applications" highlight the application you have running and click on "end process" This will boot you off the browser and free up your computer.
I keep my computer turned off. That's the safest way to keep my computer protected.
Originally Posted By: ZZman
Here are some tips:

Get a Mac or run Linux.
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
Good advice.

What if I can't live without frequenting free wallpaper sites?
Originally Posted By: moribundman
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
Good advice.

What if I can't live without frequenting free wallpaper sites?

Join a twelve step program.

Step 1: I am powerless over wallpaper.
Originally Posted By: moribundman
Originally Posted By: ZZman
Here are some tips:

Get a Mac or run Linux.

Beat me to it
Originally Posted By: OVERK1LL
Originally Posted By: moribundman
Originally Posted By: ZZman
Here are some tips:

Get a Mac or run Linux.

Beat me to it

I'd rather laugh at Maddox's articles about Mac users instead

Here's an excerpt:

"After the recent Apple conference, Mac fans were elated. One person was quoted as saying "I've had a Macintosh now for a total of 35 days, and I'm really excited to be part of the Mac community." Part of the Mac community? It's a computer, not a social movement..."
ZZman that is a great list. Computer owners are largely to blame for their own problems with spyware, adware, viruses, and so forth. A little bit of common sense and a few good programs go a long way. There are people who do use common sense and good protective programs who go years with no serious problems.
That is exactly one of the reasons I started to move away from Apple Computers globey. Now don't get me wrong-Mac OS X is a pretty outstanding O/S. But when people start talking about being members of the Apple Macintosh 'community' or the Linux 'community' like they have joined some kind of weird cult I am ready to walk out the door. With all of the hatred of Microsoft could you imagine what people would say to somebody who had said that they had tried Windows and had decided to join the Microsoft 'community?' I like computers as much as anybody else but I can think of a lot more things more important in my life than any computer O/S or any computer.

In the end it is all just technology and any O/S is only useful in so much as it allows you to run the programs you want to use and do the things you want to do on a computer. Any O/S you care to discuss from any software developer will someday just be forgotten primitive technology.
I forgot to add:

Use a different bowser other than Internet Explorer. Two good ones are Mozilla Fire Fox and Opera.
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Originally Posted By: Mystic
ZZman that is a great list. Computer owners are largely to blame for their own problems with spyware, adware, viruses, and so forth. A little bit of common sense and a few good programs go a long way. There are people who do use common sense and good protective programs who go years with no serious problems.

I started using computers back in 1997 and admit ignorance. Things changed a lot from a security perspective. Now, I have a router, anti-spyware, anti-virus, etc. The reason I come here is for knowledge. ZZman's list was nice. I tend to pay for the things I use, but use the same concepts. I remember helping someone transfer files from a Windows 95 computer that had no antivirus or firewall for years to a Dell with XP. Ran a spyware program and found I transferred a keylogger. Opps! A lot of what I know is a lot of error with some trial. Coming here has made my life soooooo much easier.
I had never heard of Maddox before but I checked that website out on the internet and it is funny. And there is definitely a thread of truth in his funny articles. Take a look at the article he did about the iPhone and of course the article that you mention.

In these times we need to be able to laugh at something.
MONKEYMAN this really is a great website. I have learned a lot here. I am with you and I like to buy my own security programs, although Spybot Search & Destroy downloaded from the proper website is a good program in my opinion. I like Avast! also but I think a person does need to be willing to pay for a good commercial program.

This website has literally saved me money. I found out about Auto-RX here and it apparently stopped a seal leak in a front wheel car I used to own. It would have cost me $600.00 to repair the leak. The engine would have to have been removed and this is not like the good old days where somebody could crawl under a car and just replace an engine gasket. Although I did help my Dad back in the old days to remove a very heavy engine from a pickup truck. But there was no way I would have had the equipment or time or space to remove that engine myself.

Occasionally this site has been a downer when people have launched mean spirited attacks on me but overall I have to say this is my favorite website and has proved to be very useful.
Hey fellers, who here is afraid of opening emails? Are you afraid attachments will "execute" on their own without you having to give permission? Are you scared of .exe files? Is your system's architecture prone to, not to to say designed for, infection throughout, and are this system's vulnerabilities easily targeted and exploited? Now, I know all you brave Windows guys are fearless experts, so it doesn't apply to you!

Windows = incubator

This totally computer illiterate Mac user here hasn't had a virus problem, a hacking incident, a security breach, stolen identity etc in all his years online. Then again, I don't let my mind get contaminated by any "community." But maybe I'm just lucky!
But the MAC "Community" makes up a lowly, what, 5% of desktop computers? If you write virii and malware, are you better served targetting the 95% of Windows users or the 5% of MAC users? What's going to have the greatest effect
I'm sure all the experts (99.9999% of Windows users) don't fall victim to the social engineering trap which their virus propagating incubators so conveniently provide.
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