How to find and close a running Youtube video?

The previous suggestions about too many open tabs to keep track of is the first thing. Bookmarks in your browser are an option. Otherwise, a "watch later" playlist in YouTube is good if you might want to pick up where you left off on a different device.

As for the video randomly playing after the one you intended to watch, the screenshot below highlights the autoplay toggle. If you have it in the left (off) position, YouTube won't pick the next video for you and play it.

If you do decide to change this setting, keep in mind it may not take effect on any of your other currently open YouTube tabs.

Screenshot 2023-09-03 094141.jpg
haven't run chrome in a while but do the new versions still have a "task manager" so you can look at the memory footprint of each tab
A better question is how do you restore video controls to Facebook videos which play but lack pause, maximize and skip
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