Female musician real or fake?

There are 2 kinds of fakes: beauty filters, and AI generated contents. Hands and fingers seem to be AI's weak spot and facial weirdness seems to be beauty filters' weakness. Knowing Chinese contents, I think nobody is real online these days. There are lots of dating incidents where the real in person dates turn "ugly" both literally and figuratively.
I'm a lot more worried about the courts being able to keep ai out of their trials. I honestly want ai to be extremely restricted to where it can't generate images or documents. It should only be allowed to be used for science, engineering, and analysis. Consumers don't need to be able to generate any images and documents with it. As much as i hate the thought of both restriction and firewalls like the one china uses to keep their ccp propaganda intact we might need it stop outside providers from giving access to people and it's looking like a necessary evil.
The genie is out of the bottle and there will be no going back. The best thing to do is embrace and understand it thereby managing it versus attempting to contain or restrict it.

That will never happen...
They only used a "beauty" filter that made the face look smooth like that of a plastic doll. Her hands look large as do her knees because of the use of a wide-angle lens at close range. That's called foreshortening. Her finger is frequently under the string because that's how a matouquin is fingered, from under the outer string to the top of the inner string. You can tell CGI, whether conventional, deep fake or AI only if its flaws become noticeable to a very variable individual threshold. The proliferation of CGI and AI has already caused paranoia and not all is unwarranted but often it is misplaced. By the way, Top Gun Maverick was touted as being almost all "real" without CGI. That was a blatant lie. It's just that the CGI was so good that 90%^ of it was indistinguishable from real.
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Hey, did you guys remember back in the day all those like 80’s hairband music videos…

Well, when everything was in black-and-white and then all of a sudden everything would go to color during the guitar solo… so do you guy think everything was like actually changing colors through the power of those sick guitar riffs?