Easy peel hard boiled eggs

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Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Originally Posted By: BlueOvalFitter
SERIOUSLY? This actually works? Is there a procedure to how you boil the eggs to make this work, or any technique you use to boil the eggs will result in the same outcome?

The "procedure" is to let the eggs sit for a month before you boil them and peel them.

This video trick does not work on fresh eggs.

Where I live, EVERYONE has chickens........almost. I live in the country, population about 300. Almost everyone is a farmer here and a lot of them sell fresh yard eggs for $2 dozen. And, that's what I buy. You can't beat some good 'ol fresh yard eggs.
But, I'm guessing I can't use my fresh yard eggs for this right? Unless, I let them sit for a month?
Forget all the above!
Buy yourself one of these for $20 or so, they come with an egg piercer, pierce the fat end of the egg, put eggs and measured amount of water in machine, cover and press the button!
Never have trouble cooking or peeling a soft to hard boiled egg again.
Egg cooker
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