Does Washer Fluid go bad?

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Dec 13, 2004
Chicago Area
So we got our first cold-snap in Chicago last week, and the washer jets on my Malibu froze. Friday night I was able to clear the nozzles out and Sunday I believe I flushed all of the old stuff out of the bottle -- I used green "bug stuff" over the summer and suspected that I didn't clear the stuff out of the lines before it got cold. Replaced it with some of the "blue stuff" I had in the garage.

This morning the [self-censored] nozzles froze up again.

Since the blue stuff is supposedly good to -25F, I'm wondering if the age of the stuff I used means that it's not quite as potent as I would think due to alcohol evaporating? The bottle was sealed, but I can't think of anything else.

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I don't think that the color of the fluid matters when it comes to the freezing point. I can buy blue stuff here and it says right on the jug that it's only good to 32F.

Here in my County in Socal we can't even get the fluid that freezes at a lower temp. Ca regulates washer fluid
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Good point. In this case, though, I know that the blue stuff is rated at -25 because the bottle says so. The bug-juice I used over the summer had a +25 rating, so technically I should have been OK last week too, assuming I still had any of it left in the reservoir.
Washer fluid that costs $2 a gallon will turn to slush at 15-20 deg F.
Get the expensive stuff, rated -35.
In the meantime, you can add some isopropyl alcohol to your reservoir.
It can take some waxes off, but so will most washer fluids.
It's paint safe.
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Originally Posted By: mechtech2
Washer fluid that costs $2 a gallon will turn to slush at 15-20 deg F.
Get the expensive stuff, rated -35.
In the meantime, you ca add some isopropyl alcohol to your reservoir.

+1 on the IPOH. I brew my own using it. About 1/3 the 35% stuff, a drop of detergent, and drop of antifreeze. The antifreeze prevents the tip from freezing after all the alcohol evaporates.
Off topic: There could be a whole cottage industry in smuggling real products into California, windshield washer fluid, TVs, what else? Hey buddy, look what I got in the back of my truck here....
I should try using the Prestone stuff. What I know from living my whole life here in a cold winter region, is that you DONT light up your washer fluid first thing in the morning when it's below 20 outside. What this does is make your windshield an ugly frozen mess. The rating of -25 F is that the fluid in the tank won't freeze until -25 (one would hope...) but it says nothing about it's ability to clear a windshield when it's really cold.

Hmmm... let me take that back about the Prestone. I have a spray can of Prestone stuff that's supposed to clear a windshield. Yeah right. If it's below 15 F or so, forget it. It just makes the windshield a mess. Your best bet is to scrape, then be a little patient while the engine warms and provides heat to the glass.
Keep in mind, (sorry, I just can't stop rambling here) if it's REALLY cold, you're going to frost up your windshield on the INSIDE, just as soon as you get in and start breathing. There is no good substitute for having a little heat to clear that glass.
I switched to the rain-x washer fluid. Got it for $2.xx at Walmart for a jug. I've had the blue stuff freeze the nozzles before.

If you live in a cold area, use 100% concentration. DO NOT add any water and you will have better results. Perhaps a service shop topped it off with water and it was watered down.
Most windshield fluids contain alcohol. The only thing I'd worry about is it corroding any metal parts, especially in the pump.
Im not worried about that since all my 25-30 year old cars operate 100%. But I do think that the alcohol evaporates off and leaves blue soapy water that will freeze in a snowstorm...
I've had a half jug of washer fluid go bad, but in a different way. This black stuff started growing in it after a few months.
Originally Posted By: paulo57509
I've had a half jug of washer fluid go bad, but in a different way. This black stuff started growing in it after a few months.

mold, haha.
I love my heated wiper washers on the CTS
No scraping, but I still use the 0 degree washer fluid.
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