Homemade Wine?

Oct 10, 2021
Probably 20 years ago, my friend and his wife bought a house. There were some grape vines in the back yard. Had lots of grapes growing and I asked what they will do with them? They said probably just eat a few. So I suggested maybe we should try making some wine and they bit.

So we just pulled up a recipe off the internet and ordered some brewers yeast. Got one of those big empty Culligan water bottles and a large balloon.
None of that fancy stuff that real brewers would use. I had a juicer and we went to work one Saturday. Juiced out a bunch of grapes, added liquid, sugar and yeast. Put the balloon on top and stored it in the basement, until the balloon went down.

We bottled it that weekend. We had no way to test the alcohol content. But it tasted pretty good. But man, after a glass of that wine, it made our faces flush. It had to have been a really high alcohol content! :ROFLMAO:

Anyone else ever made wine?
I did but it was awful.

I made apple jack once or twice by fermenting cider then freezing it and filtering out the ice crystals. That was really good!
Quite a few of us did it in high school. We would use empty party balls, grape juice and other juices, and yeast.

None of it ever tasted good. It was pretty good at 2 things. Getting us drunk, and inducing vomiting.

My aunt and uncle made homemade wine from muscadines and blackberries. All of their friends thought it was fantastic. To me, it was better than what we made but far from good.

To this day I cannot find a wine I consider to be good, and I've had a few people offer me what would be considered to be excellent wines.

I can get a few whites down without a look of disgust on my face, but I usually don't finish what is poured.

If you don't know what a party ball was, google 'beer ball'

For homemade, I prefer peach brandy, though some other brandys are also tasty. Gotta be careful, it might not taste like white likker but it's really just white likker.
I'm a simple country hick and easy to please. No wine snob for sure.
Give me a bottle of Mogan David blackberry wine and I'm content! :D
Yep, we have wine put up.
We have white and blush.
Ours come from muscadines and scuppernongs.
Yes, it’s more potent than the wine that you buy at the store.
Probably 20 years ago, my friend and his wife bought a house. There were some grape vines in the back yard. Had lots of grapes growing and I asked what they will do with them? They said probably just eat a few. So I suggested maybe we should try making some wine and they bit.

So we just pulled up a recipe off the internet and ordered some brewers yeast. Got one of those big empty Culligan water bottles and a large balloon.
None of that fancy stuff that real brewers would use. I had a juicer and we went to work one Saturday. Juiced out a bunch of grapes, added liquid, sugar and yeast. Put the balloon on top and stored it in the basement, until the balloon went down.

We bottled it that weekend. We had no way to test the alcohol content. But it tasted pretty good. But man, after a glass of that wine, it made our faces flush. It had to have been a really high alcohol content! :ROFLMAO:

Anyone else ever made wine?

we did but not from grapes, we used berries. alcohol content approaching 15-20%, bet yours are too