Can We Get A Summary Post?

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May 27, 2002
Can we get a sticky post that has the average numbers of the major weights and brands of oils people care about.

When you look at all of these post of everyones analysis, its hard to just look at the numbers and see whether or not it was good. Also you dont know how hard the car was driven, or the shape of the engine.

If we can get a average going of everyones data, after 6 months or so, we should start to get valid averages, and the better oil should arise...

[ July 02, 2002, 10:29 PM: Message edited by: jond ]
There are so many variables I think that might difficult.

Bob and other's have encouraged people to post comments along with their analysis as to car history, driving conditions up to analysis, etc.

In my view, the more info the better and the better I can compare oranges and oranges.
I think we should keep everyones posts, so you can look and read about their individual differences, but for a quick summary, I think averages would be nice.
Well Jond,

It's gonna take a better person than I to accumilate all the data and provide such a summary. You ready to get started????

What kind of rules would you use when "rolling-up" averages?

For example, what rule do you use when someone's used oil analysis has some missing data such as chemical elements, or Nox, or TBN's, etc.?

It would be difficult at best to attempt to average missing data. For missing data, you would have to use some form of mathematical interpolation, what kind of interpolation formula would you use....etc.....etc.....?

I hope you can see where I'm going with this.
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