Buttermilk: yay or nay?

Mar 12, 2015
In the shop
I have it sometimes with fresh ground black pepper in 10 ounce glass. Good to marinate chicken in too. Get mine at local family run farm. Anyone like it or no?
My grandfather used to drink that stuff. I didn't like it as a kid and I never gave it a second chance. Same applies to borscht.
Love buttermilk but it hard to find good buttermilk like I grew up on. Most store bought buttermilk is too thin and doesn't have flakes of butter floating in it. Of course my grandmother used to churn her own butter and use the leftover milk for buttermilk.

I drink it and use it in pancake batter instead of regular milk. And like my grandparents I like to break up cornbread and mix it in a glass of buttermilk and eat it with spoon. Yes, I am from the South!
For baking, waffles, pancakes, and a few other things. I have used it to marinate shark steaks. Gets rid of the ammonia traces. For drinking, not much. I did have a couple of dogs that were fond of it. Otherwise just let your regular milk go sour and use that instead.
Didn't like it as a kid. Never gave it another try. My folks get fresh Jersey cow milk and make butter from the cream. Maybe I'll try it next time I'm back east.
Sometimes. I prefer yogurt but I am not averse to buttermilk. It has abou the same benefits as yogurt but contains less fat and calories if that's a consideration.
I honestly have never had plain buttermilk. Sure, I’ve had it in pancakes or muffins/biscuits but have never had it by the glass. 🍶
Ya know, here’s another thing. I have never eaten Limburger Cheese.
I have it sometimes with fresh ground black pepper in 10 ounce glass. Good to marinate chicken in too. Get mine at local family run farm. Anyone like it or no?
As a base for something else sure - as a drink? Not remotely.
I still remember the gag reflex I had the one and only time I tried it courtesy of my dad. Just like Auto Mechanics' dad, my dad drank it "by the gallon" too.