Are you happy?

Apr 15, 2017
Napa, CA.
So, I know that’s a big complicated question and there’s always something in life that isn’t going right.

But overall, if you put everything in consideration, are you happy? With yourself? Your relationship(s), work, home, car?

Personally, no, I’m miserable and hate almost every aspect of my life. Not all of it - I have a great, supportive, loving partner and a few wonderful members of my family and that’s what keeps me going. But I’m just curious to hear how others are doing in these times!
Yes, I'm happy. I have a great supporting and loving partner I've been with 14 years. I have a great job and work with some really great folks, I've been there 16 years and love what I do. I love living in Phoenix especially the area we're in...summers are a bit long and rough but we plan trips to be away during the summer months. Life is really great.

If you have a great, supporting and loving partner...does anything else matter?
I've got nothing to complain about. Good health. Good wife. No financial issues. Living exactly where I want to be, and doing what I want to do.

I love the fact I no longer have to worry about jobs, money, and a lot of the other stuff most have to be concerned with. But with all of that said, it took over 4 decades of hard work to get to this point in my life.

About all I can do now, is like most people my age. And that is hope to stay healthy enough, long enough to enjoy all of it for as long as I can. No one is guaranteed good long term health. So far, so good..... Knock on wood.
Was miserable, work pay bills and die was my motto...did wim Hoff, lost weight, meditated...literally met a hell hound...then world got inverted.

Some happiness that things has changed in half my life, then devastation at the other.

Some bitter-sweet but happy
I'm fortunate in a lot of ways. Wife, kids, a job I enjoy most of the time. None of it is perfect. Some of it less than ideal, but we make it work.
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I'm not much into psychologists, and all of these so called "experts" on mental health and happiness. I think most of these guys are more screwed up than the bulk of the people they're trying to treat. (I'm not implying that Stossel is. Just many of the others).

But there is one guy out there who I respect named Jordan Peterson. The man is simply a mountain of common sense, and can hold his own against most anyone on any subject.

I enjoy listening to him talk about such topics like happiness, etc. Because I always take away something positive from listening to his conversations.
But there is one guy out there who I respect named Jordan Peterson. The man is simply a mountain of common sense, and can hold his own against most anyone on any subject.

I enjoy listening to him talk about such topics like happiness, etc. Because I always take away something positive from listening to his conversations.
I've read several of his books. His approach to so many things in life are common sense backed by facts, not modern garbage pop psych. Stand up like a lobster.

Not sure “why” but it just is that way. For no good reason. I have a hypothesis that we tend to arrange our worries and concerns in order, and whatever is at the top is worried about the most—meaning, no matter how trivial it is, if it’s at the top of the heap, then we give the same amount of worry and concern as any really big problem.

One of the youtube channels I watch is a financial show, and they refer to one’s 40’s as “the messy middle”. Lots of money issues, lots of life issues. That’s probably the crux of it. I’ve got teens on the verge of adulthood, with the attendant changes to relationships. I’ve got a lot of years left on the mortgage and am behind on retirement savings. I have a career that I know has stalled and won’t go places. My hairline and wasteline are in a race, albeit in opposite directions.

I look back on choices and have lots of regrets. Hindsight isn’t 20/20 but it’s sure better than foresight.

When I was 18, the world was my oyster. Nothing but opportunities. Nothing but challenges to be undertaken. Now I feel trapped by choices made along the way, with the rest of life mapped out. No more opportunities, and no more mountains to climb.

A good day is when I can lose myself in today’s problems: a great day is when I can lose myself in anything that brought me joy, even if just for a few hours.
Was miserable, work pay bills and die was my motto...did wim Hoff, lost weight, meditated...literally met a hell hound...then world got inverted.

Some happiness that things has changed in half my life, then devastation at the other.

Some bitter-sweet but happy
You have been through an emotional wringer that few of us will ever experience.

If you‘ve found happiness, that is both an answered prayer for many of us who have followed your journey, as well a beacon of hope for those who are not happy.
The OP's question is indeed complicated.

I'll go to my grave wondering why so much of life's communications are blunted or otherwise made less efficient.

People who know nothing commonly echo garbage they hear.

A dog's dirt liar isn't a liar anymore. A slob who won't work isn't a slob or leech anymore.

That advertising is the biggest industry in the USA doesn't bode well for peace of mind. Lies seem not to be policed by society.

You gotta be hyper defensive much of the time. Most gadgets you buy will be obsolete real fast.

The car part you need is buried in a sea of cheap parts. You gotta search. If you buy the wrong one, are you just stupid or were you being cheap?

They mine for information. We gotta protect ourselves from the computer age with products offered by the computer companies.

They move an industry off-shore and it's up to you to scramble. OK, but who's smart enough to read financial tea leaves in order to change careers so blithely? What, you started a family and thought your tool and die job would be stable? You must be stupid.

Just about anything new you want to try involves more than just material research. You need to know the lay of the land just to have a handle on the baddies.

How much is your education worth? How much were you told it was necessary? Were you stupid to think you could even begin to play that game? Are you going to be treated / paid equitably on your job? It ain't so easy to just "change jobs" as the economists say on TV.

Friends would say that life decisions aren't as "final" as I think. I say they are as small mistakes / errors in judgement / oversights can take years to overcome, if they can be overcome at all.

One must constantly be aware of bad contracts in a world full of "new things to buy"; many of which you don't need.

So, I answer with a "yes". I am happy but I know full well that constant vigilance is required unless you're OK living under a rock.
Oh man, I spent some time on the net looking for definitions of happiness. Indeed, Kira beat me to the punch describing it as complicated. I am blessed to have very simple needs, so I seldom am wishing for more of anything. My career has to be one of the best in the world. Been married to a life partner for 46 years with steadfast commitment through the challenging ups and downs.

I have to manage happiness. I love reminiscing about the past and ALWAYS am looking forward to that magical time of life in the future. Which means I have to work at living in the moment. It is difficult to not grow more cynical in old age. My coworker and I agree that we mostly do it in fun and avoid letting it consume us.

Yes, I am content, VERY grateful, satisfied what I have done (and not done) in life. I have made a positive difference in the extreme tiny circle around me.
At this time in my life yes for the most part. I am young so that might change over the years, hopefully for the better.

My job is good. I love what I do. I could not imagine not being able to fix cars and work with tools everyday. It can be a challenge at time trying to figure out some of these very complex designs but it makes the day fun. I’ll do any challenge that’s handed to me. If I can’t figure it out I’ll ask for some help. It seems I’m well liked there too so that makes me feel good. They call me Balakay the shop clown. We laugh and have a good time all day everyday. Work gets done of course but we make it fun. Always picking on people in a funny way somehow.

Relationship? As far as like having a relationship that’s a negative for me. Struck out on that one so far. I’d love to have a relationship. I think it would help me be happier overall and be myself but I’m sure it will come with time. See my problem is I jump too far ahead in a short time and ask too much up front. Relationship with my family however is good and I love my family. But as I realize these things it’s how I get better overall. One day I’ll find me the perfect lady for me. Just takes time and I can’t rush it. I’m happy I can realize this as I get older.

Home is good. It’s my parents home I love it. They let me live there so I can’t complain too much. The only complaint is no garage which both my parents agree with me on so that’s a fair complaint.

Myself? Yes but I can do better. When I was a few years younger up until a couple months ago I was spending my money on stupid stuff. Because I thought it was good then but now I could slap myself for doing that. I can’t really say what it was here but it wasn’t anything bad as far as like drugs or alcohol or anything nothing like that but something else. Then I realized that it was stupid to do. I was literally spending hundreds of dollars at a time on this and I was like man I was stupid. I’ll be 21 next month and my goal is as I get older is to get wiser. At this point I’m thinking like man what was I thinking then that was stupid. So from this point on no more of that. And no more borrowing money from my parents either unless it’s an emergency. I need to save money. The only savings I have is my retirement and I’m not touching that. So from now on I want to save my money. When I get my tax return it’s going right in my savings and I’m not touching it. I need another car mine is worn out. I can get one at my dealership but they don’t have anything I want so I need to save up to be able to buy one straight out. It was embarrassing being turned down for loans because of no credit. My dealership is happy to help me but they don’t have anything I want that’s old enough for me.

So yes my life is happy for the most part and I think it’ll get better as I begin to realize these challenges and what I need to do better for myself.