Anyone know where Inpro headlights are made?

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Dec 12, 2006
A while back, my wife got hit in my 98 Yukon. The passenger side headlight needed to be replaced along with some minor bodywork. One of her friend's husbands owns a bodyshop and we heard he wasn't doing so good, so she asked me to give him the work. I wasn't really comfortable with this since I have my own long time trusted friends who I would have rather given the work to. Anyway, I told him to use all GMC parts. I get the truck back and it has this 11 dollar Chinese headlight in it that won't adjust and he insisted that the 3500 dollar insurance check I gave him was used up.
I was so unhappy with this headlight that I went to the dealer to get new ones and the dealer told me it would be 500 dollars to install new lights in my truck.(this is just the cost of the parts) At this point, I would try anything, so I bought these Chinese made projector lights for 149. They're junk too.
So I was telling my buddy today I'm just going to bite the bullet and get the factory lights and he suggested Inpro. He's into VW's and Audis, so I didn't expect them to have anything for me, but they do have a stock replacement pair for 189 and a projector for 312. Anybody know anything about these??
I would love it if they are. It seems that way, but all I can find are dealers selling them and no direct site.
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