2020 Subaru Legacy 2.5L / M1 EP 0w20 / 20,799 mile OCI

Iron/mile is worse than for your shorter runs. Normally it trends down over the OCI, then starts increasing again.
You’re really splitting hairs over a 0.17ppm/1000 miles difference to call that worse, especially when he essentially doubled the mileage of his previous longest run.

You’re making a wild guess that this is where (or past) the point where iron would start to rapidly increase; there’s no way to know because OP drained the oil rather than an in-service sample followed up in a few k miles to see if there was a shift in wear rate.

Now, yes, he definitely needs to find where the increase in silicon is coming from, but there’s nothing saying it was detrimental right now. Insolubles are also very low, I’d say the overall report isn’t anywhere near as dire as some are saying.
Any chance you could send to Oil Analyzers next time? Would be great to see a more accurate fuel dilution figure in conjunction with TAN, nitration and oxidation. This would give you a better idea of the overall condition of the oil.
20k not even running HPL or Amsoil.
Most here would recognize outside of those two, M1 EP is generally considered the best off-shelf oil for extending OCIs.

So, while not a boutique blender it is basically M1’s boutique offering.

At least, that’s my impression of it. I wouldn’t run many off the shelf oils past 10k miles confidently and repeatedly, but M1 EP is one I would have confidence in doing so if the service conditions warrant it.
I live on a fairly busy gravel road, so there is that too.
A prime contributing factor. Important to continue using a high efficiency oil filter if the air filter is being tested by dirty or dusty roads, IMO. And definitely worth inspecting for loose or odd fitting connections along the intake to rule out unfiltered air.
This is my first run with M1 EP 0w20. All the other runs were with Costco 0w20.

I think this test looks pretty good, and I plan on running another 20,000 mile oci. I put miles on very quickly.
Thanks for posting
The math certainly works on a 20k OCI
The Oil stayed in Grade
Just know that with a TBN of 1.8, the Oil is spent
Great Report!
I probably posted it with my older uoa posts, but I’m guessing the good filter was the Fram Ultra Synthetic and the bad filter was a Wix. I can’t remember off the top of my head if I used anything else on this car.
I just checked your old posts. The low particle count was with a Royal Purple. The high particle count was with a WIX 57055.
Is that FB25 engine GDI? If it is I'm very impressed that Mobil1 EP performed so well. I wouldn't go over 10K in a port injected engine let alone a GDI with all the soot they produce.
I have a 21 Legacy, they are GDI.