Armor All question

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Aug 13, 2015
HI so i used armor all for the longest while and today one of my friends said that it was bad for the dash?
i read a few website pages and it did say it was bad but these were outdated articles
Is it really bad for the interior?
from the ingredients as said on the armor all page it looks good even better than meguiars
Use it with confidence :^)

I always use a protectant regularly on my interior. I use leather protectant on my dash.
Yes, it should be fine and has been reformulated. Back in the day, STP Son of a Gun was a much better choice for the durability of the dash. They merged, or whatever it is that happened, and the regular Armorall is quite a bit different than it used to be, even from a superficial examination.
NIce thank you all
Nothing wrong with using Armour All. It got a bad rap and many just ran with the story. The new formula doesn't seem to to have that oily look nor feel, but you can dilute it with a little (very little) water if you desire a more matte finish.
I just detailed my entire interior (dash,panels,etc) with Lexol leather conditioner. Looks great (rich and not glossy) and smells like a leather shop :^)
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