whats your oil filter of choice and why?

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Originally Posted By: BlueOvalFitter
hit up the oil and filter section before you leave.

I usually do this on my way to the ammo counter.
Napa Gold, CAT, Allison OEM, MANN and some other OEM filters (Volvo, Claas, Agco, etc). Run the OEM filters either for warranty purposes, no other options, or the savings don't outweigh the benefits on the aftermarket filters like some of the Cat filters and the Allison filters.
Originally Posted By: zerosoma
Originally Posted By: MinamiKotaro
Originally Posted By: zerosoma
why do people say this?

I don't appreciate being called a liar. Explain to me why you think it's ok to do that.

It's 2 AM. Your wife is puking her guts out and you're out of Ginger Ale and Immodium AD. Local gas station is closed. Do you,

a) choose to sacrifice your buyers' conscience and go to the 24 hour Wal-Mart down the road to remedy the situation,


b) tell her, "too bad honey, guess we'll have to wait until morning for Lewis to open since I refuse to shop at chinamart"?

LMAO, classic.
i have said this before i hope it doesnt bother you. my IDEA, not science fact. i think all the truly bad filters could be held in one hand. just my idea.
I've used kn in the past and now Amsoil EaO since. I don't mind spending more and the truck runs good with 95k. Doesn't seem to use or need any make up oil so they've been working for me.)
Originally Posted By: Ben Boyle
No real reason, I just really like Citroens!

Originally Posted By: AITG
Originally Posted By: Ben Boyle
My Citroen 2CV and Citroen Dyane get Manns that come in Wix boxes

You have not one but two Citroens? Did you win second place in a contest?

Good for you. Where does one find Citroen parts in Detroit?
For the past year, I have been using MicroGreen filters and changing the oil and filter every 3,000 miles. The filters are direct replacements for your OEM filter and require no additional installation steps. When ordered from Amazon or from the manufacturer, shipping is free although the filters are pricey.

MicroGreen filters down to 2-microns (http://www.microgreenfilter.com/design-function) and folks on this forum have had good filtration test results from this filter (http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/forums/ubb...rue#Post2359966).
Originally Posted By: pjf
For the past year, I have been using MicroGreen filters and changing the oil and filter every 3,000 miles.

If that filter is supposed to be good for 10,000 miles, why are you changing it every 3,000 miles?

Originally Posted By: pjf
For the past year, I have been using MicroGreen filters and changing the oil and filter every 3,000 miles. The filters are direct replacements for your OEM filter and require no additional installation steps. When ordered from Amazon or from the manufacturer, shipping is free although the filters are pricey.

MicroGreen filters down to 2-microns (http://www.microgreenfilter.com/design-function) and folks on this forum have had good filtration test results from this filter (http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/forums/ubb...rue#Post2359966).

Wow, those are cool. Ouch they aren't cheap though. I wonder how long you could run one before the micro portion was no longer flowing?
Originally Posted By: ZeeOSix
Originally Posted By: pjf
For the past year, I have been using MicroGreen filters and changing the oil and filter every 3,000 miles.

If that filter is supposed to be good for 10,000 miles, why are you changing it every 3,000 miles?


Not to mention, that finely filtered oil is getting swapped a bit early as well.
Taking the green out of microgreen.
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Purolator Synthetic: Because nothing say sexy like a bright blue wrinkle paint job with a big chrome sticker.


In seriousness, I like the Purolator classic for it's valve, availability, and performance.
Napa Gold, primarily as it is readily available (Napa is 10 minutes away from me), and is a decent filter at a decent price. When my stock of these is depleted, I will revisit my choice in filters, as Walmart Canada's switch from Fram to Purolator and Bosch has opened up more options for me.
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
I used various low to mid-price(mostly less than $4) oil filters in my LS400 with 12-15k miles 1 year FCI, it is more than 300k miles and engine's still running great. Other parts and body interior are failing.

Of the 2 filters, oil and air, oil filter is much less critical. Any oil filter, OCOD included, can be used for 10-15k miles in a clean engine without problem.

The filter manufactures want you to believe that the FCI is 3-5k miles for low to mid range filters, above that they want you to buy their top of the line filter at much higher cost, that is their profit is.

Even the lowest cost filter can hold about 6-7 grams of contaminants, shred metals and dirt, if your engine generates that much metals in 15k miles, it is in dying mode, no filter will keep it alive.

Thank you! You answered about every question I had in a few sentences.
I use Toyota/Denso Japan foam medium filters or when I'm feeling cheap with the old Corolla I'll run a WIX. We're lucky enough to get the Japanese Denso filters here in NZ over the Thai made paper ones.
My filter of choise has been fram for many years simply because of the easy grip but after doing some research on this forum i don't think I will purchase one for a while.
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