Tom Smothers passed away

Oct 5, 2008
Buckley, Wa.

I remember the TV show. My parents used to watch it when I was a little kid. Eighty six is not a bad run. RIP.
I was very sad when Jerry Lee Lewis passes away too!
I met Jerry Lee Lewis he was funny!
He said, "You boys have a God given talent, don't spend all your money on woman and wine and fast cars.
Then I told him, "Scott calls me the killer sometimes Jerry Lee"
He looked at me and paused and said. "Well you ARE the killer, SON"!
I watched the Smothers Brothers show with my parents often, when I was a young boy. They did such a great job on their show, with **** playing the straight laced, even a little up tight brother, and Tom playing the part of being a little on the goofy side. I remember as a 10-12 year old, I wanted **** to loosen up a little bit.
Richard drag raced Oldsmobiles.
I also remember a magazine ad where the tuning keys on Tommy's guitar were spark plugs.
Tommy held a spark plug wrench with his characteristic smile and Richard wore the exasperated face.
I forget the brand of sparky-poo.
I always enjoyed their shows when I was young.
Something for the whole family; some of their humor probably went over my head at the time, but enough of it was generic that it entertained all.
I watched the Smothers Brothers show frequently.
He and his brother tied the CBS censors in knots. They got canned for it too. Also they launched the political career of Pat Paulson.
I was surprised to hear he was still alive, until he wasn’t. I played with yo-yo’s because of them!