Super Auto filter

Jan 25, 2014
south haven mi
Threw 5 of these in on a rock auto order same shipper as other items.I Don't know who makes It but beefy can and from looking in nice tight pleats, looks like a quality filter.I think i gave a couple pennies over a buck.I ordered some ac for my vette they have a 5.00 rebate they are ecore filters junk impo.


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I prefer the AC Delco Ecore - (those made in the past 4-5 years) over this. Even the Supertech Ecore (see mine cut up in the Oil Filters section) are better than the cardboard media this filter has.

Sometimes when the filter sells ridiculously cheap ($1.02), it's because it's only worth $1.02.
that one looks different/better then the cut open one thats mentioned above.

maybe its newer or just made by a different supplier? who knows.
RA isn't the best supplier for this part, either-I couldn't even get them to exchange/warranty name brand filters (that were sent incorrectly due to their website screwing up).