spin clean filter

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You can get several hundred K out of a Toyota motor with standard filters.. how much further do you want to go?
Bear in mind, HerrStig, that a bypass filter, of whatever type, is more an oil life extender than anything and enable 3-4 time a normal interval and also extends the life of the primary filter.

Stew705: I don't know anything about that filter in particular but centrifugal filters work in anything as long as the engine has the oil flow to spin it... which can be problematic sometimes.I would contact the company for specifics on your situation. I would point you in another direction, the the Pareto Point Top Dog fitler as a very simple and easy to install system. Pareto Poiint
High oil pressure critical to making these things work well, otherwise no.
How low is you oil pressure when driving, certainly most going to be around 40 and most likely less than that when the engine gets some age on it.


The optimum oil inlet pressure for a centrifuge ranges from 60 to 80 psi, but units can be operated at a maximum of 100 psi or a minimum of 40 psi. Lower pressure reduces centrifugal force efficiency.
The centrifugal oil "spinners" only remove particles with a higher specific gravity than hot oil. They also require adequate high pressure oil flow. On a fair sized diesel engine they'll remove soot and extend the oil's life. On a gas engine, there isn't much for them to remove, and the spinner would have to be tiny to work with the relatively small oil pump.
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