Royal Purple at Wal-Mart

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The free market will remove RP from WM's shelves soon enough. I wouldn't bother reporting it to RP, but that's just me.
I've seen it in the Wal-Mart in Gilroy, CA though I have no idea if they still have it. I avoid being a Wal-Mart shopper as much as possible. Oddly enough, they are by far the closest store which stock my preferred .17 HMR ammunition, otherwise I would probably never go in there.

BlueOvalFitter - did you mean the WM in Brandon? There is no WM listed for Valrico. Closest one I can find is in Brandon which is an adjoining town/city.

Hwy 60 in Valrico,Florida!
BlueOvalFitter - okay not doubting you or anything but Wal-Mart doesn't show a store in Valrico? Is it new? The one I thought you meant in Brandon is on Rte 60 just outside the city limits of Valrico( on the Map anyway ).

WavinWayne - thanks. Actually I already have reported it to the guy who was very greatful. I will send in the new info provided after I last posted as well. RP has problems with the situation I guess and wants to stop it.

With all respect to you sir I disagree completely with your comment about the free market removing it from the store saving RP the trouble. I realize RP is not very popular on this site but it is a premium product that is very popular with millions of people. IT is all I run for oil and other fluids and I have never had a problem and love the stuff.

These Wal-Marts are stocking it for one reason alone = because of demand for it. Wal-Mart came to RP and tried to become an authorized distributor like PepBoys, Advanced Auto, O'Reilly's, Napa, etc... and RP said NO. The free market will not remove RP from their shelves. RP may but otherwise no.

Thanks again for the info guys. It has been passed on to the company and they say thank you.
I was at Walmart today in Matamoras PA and they have it on the shelves right next to the mobil 1 products
I find the story that Royal Purple corporate doesn't want it's products in WalMart but that somehow they are in the chain nationwide hard to believe. On this thread you have reports literally from the four corners of the US all saying Royal Purple is being stocked.

I also cannot imagine WalMart going out of it's way on it's own initiative to stock a boutique brand of motor oil. It just doesn't make any sense. The vast majority of the vendors who are in WalMart have had to fight tooth and nail to get shelf space, and here we have WalMart giving out valuable shelf space to Royal Purple motor oil on it's own initiative? Something doesn't add up here.

I find the story that Royal Purple corporate doesn't want it's products in WalMart but that somehow they are in the chain nationwide hard to believe. On this thread you have reports literally from the four corners of the US all saying Royal Purple is being stocked.

I also cannot imagine WalMart going out of it's way on it's own initiative to stock a boutique brand of motor oil. It just doesn't make any sense. The vast majority of the vendors who are in WalMart have had to fight tooth and nail to get shelf space, and here we have WalMart giving out valuable shelf space to Royal Purple motor oil on it's own initiative? Something doesn't add up here.

I can only tell you what I was told. Wal-Mart approached RP at SEMA and asked about becoming a retailer and RP did not want to do it. Why? I was not told. I was asked if I saw any to try and get batch numbers, or at the least the store selling it, for them so they can track down the suppliers selling it to Wal-Mart. They do not, or at least did not, want RP being sold there. Again, I don;t really know why.
well walmart is famous for screwing companies over on quantity vs price.. walmart wont pay but a certain amount for certian quantity and its usually on the very low end.. they have put under countless smaller companies trying to get product to walmart but couldnt get it there fast enough and the $ they are making from WM wont compensate for high production. personally i hate walmart but they do have decent prices. RP probably doesnt want to let go of their product for so cheap to walmart which in turn would only save us a dollar or so while walmart roles in the dough.. ole Sam would role over in his grave if he saw how his company is being ran now
Many products on the shelves at walmart (or any store) are there as a market test. If they sell x amount in y amount of time (or not) a contract with the supplier may be finalized. Royal Purple or any other supplier to walmart can only be bullied around to the extent of the legal contract they agree to. They know darn well what they are getting into signing with some one as big as walmart. If it backfires on them it's because of THEIR own greed in making a deal they can't make good on, or signing a contract that wasn't good to start with. Not defending walmart or their practices, it's just business. IMHO, walmart is the biggest and best at it, so they take all the heat. Home depot is probably a close 2nd, and you don't hear too many boycotting them.



What's the big deal with RP at Wal-Mart? It's not that good of an oil anyhow.

In your opinion. Others would disagree.

It's an expensive oil that produces ho-hum results. What's to disagree about. I used it for a while and gave it a fair shake but could not get good results. Cost/Performance isn't there.

I have used the stuff for years and had excellent results. THAT is what there is to disagree about. Great company to deal with and excellent products all around. Others are obviously entitled to their opinion but should refrain from such all encompasing comments that imply every person feels the same as they do
WalMart approached Amsoil too. Al flatly refused. It's not that far fetched. I just have a hard time with WM HQ supposedly not knowing the/some stores are selling RP. Yeah right.
If Royal Purple is on the shelves at Uncle Wally's, then RP sold it to them. WalMart does not stock anything without a contract from the manufacturer. WalMart does not deal with distributors. If WalMart has RP, and they do stock it here where I live, RP corporate sold it to them and are lying about the fact. I have dealt with WM for years, and this is how they work.
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