New Years Resolutions......

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Jan 14, 2014
Chicago, IL
It's the time of year again. I am normally in average shape but this year rarely worked out. I'm 5' 11'' and 200 pounds. My goal is to lose 20 pound more pounds. Except for a minor weekend bender I've been sober for several months. I figure I was rackin up at least 600 in alcohol calories and sugar. Anyone else with a New Years resolution??
Not much...just to keep at what I was doing last year ( doing more healthy things) to keep going with that.
Originally Posted By: qwerty1234
Except for a minor weekend bender I've been sober for several months.

Cool. Not running anyone over would be a good one. That's always on my list to be accident free which can still be a challenge when completely sober. The only mishap I've ever had was throwing some debris on a car when breaking the tires loose at speed in my corvette.
turtle, have been in many car accidents? Knock on wood, I stand behind my record and have NEVER been the cause of a accident.
Originally Posted By: qwerty1234
and have NEVER been the cause of a accident.

Here's to both of us keeping it that way. Bad karma follows us for the rest of our lives and into the afterlife. Can't shake it.
To get a better job. Oil changes are fun, but I'm tired of doing them on humans.
My New Years resolution is to try and shake my addiction to TruMoo.

I try to limit myself to one cup per day, but lately, I've been abusing the stuff.

Originally Posted By: Dyusik
To get a better job. Oil changes are fun, but I'm tired of doing them on humans.

I hear you.
I gave up on New Years resolutions a few years ago but this year I basically renewed the resolve to the usual things. Well, on the 4th, as that was the first Monday of the first week.

Seems like it is about every 3 months I need to hit the "renew" button on resolutions. Big thing with New Years is that it's a great 3 months of nothingness to work on 'em. The stress of kids going back to school and getting into that routine is over with, no holidays, and being cooped up inside is a bit of a drive to work out more. No good weather days to find excuses to be outside goofing off in the sun. I find the time stuck inside while looking forward to losing a few pounds before summer is a decent incentive.

Of course, I have low expectations of actually sticking to these resolutions, like in all the years past.
new years resolutions?....if you're still doing such mindless things, its a sign that you're not awake, and need to wake up.

There's a whole world of actual living beyond that of traditions, religion, habits, resolutions, goals etc etc...

Question it!....ask the question: who/what is it that is striving in the making of these goals/resolutions??
Originally Posted By: stro_cruiser
There's a whole world of actual living beyond that of ... goals ...

Eh? What's wrong with setting goals, obtaining them, and moving on to a new goal?

I won't say a life isn't worthwhile to live without goals but I'm not sure what the point of just existing is. It'd be great if life could be one big continuous party--but it's not.

I make goals and while the stresses are not fun the fruits often are.
Originally Posted By: qwerty1234
It's the time of year again. I am normally in average shape but this year rarely worked out. I'm 5' 11'' and 200 pounds. My goal is to lose 20 pound more pounds. Except for a minor weekend bender I've been sober for several months. I figure I was rackin up at least 600 in alcohol calories and sugar. Anyone else with a New Years resolution??
You STILL ignore the elephant in the room.
Originally Posted By: Merkava_4
My New Years resolution is to try and shake my addiction to TruMoo.

I try to limit myself to one cup per day, but lately, I've been abusing the stuff.


Chocolate milk is addicting!! I LOVE it!! I'll have to try TruMoo
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