New Oilfields?

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Let's see. Ethanol comes from corn, the growing of which depends a great deal on using oil hydrocarbons. It also uses a food source for something other than feeding people(and cows). Although Brazil seems to make it work, I don't think it's a very good longterm solution.
Also to grow corn wisely, you should be rotating your crops, and only producing corn about every 3rd year. How many are going to be trying to shortcut this and depleting the land now that corn has extra subsidy and is extra profitable?
bruno, yep, vastly different...they are still felling forests for the space to grow it.

jmac, I refer to non rotational practices as "mining" rather than farming.
wow, how about that? Puppet-state Georgia attacks Russia today, while the media is tied up with the Olympic opening ceremony.... inflames them, Russian Troops move in... Oil DROPS to $115/barrel?? NOT the way it's supposed to go. Oh my!
Originally Posted By: Steelhead
double the value of the US dollar if you want to see cheaper gas at the pump

Very true. As of having a magical oil field in the US but banning it from export. The export ban won't do much since we import so much oil, the reduction of import to compensate for the fair value of oil on the international market will just means the same as allowing import.

Think of it this way, you are eating 30 potatoes a month and you buy 20 and grow 10, now someone give you 2 extra and tell you not to sell it, you are just going to buy 18 instead of 20.
Originally Posted By: PandaBear

Think of it this way, you are eating 30 potatoes a month and you buy 20 and grow 10, now someone give you 2 extra and tell you not to sell it, you are just going to buy 18 instead of 20.

Unless you go on a serious diet.
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
PandaBear said:
Think of it this way, you are eating 30 potatoes a month and you buy 20 and grow 10, now someone give you 2 extra and tell you not to sell it, you are just going to buy 18 instead of 20.
is this a trick question?
Originally Posted By: Steve S
Originally Posted By: PandaBear

Think of it this way, you are eating 30 potatoes a month and you buy 20 and grow 10, now someone give you 2 extra and tell you not to sell it, you are just going to buy 18 instead of 20.
is this a trick question?

Yes, the answer is: it doesn't matter whether they let you sell the 2 potatoes or not, it will be the same on the market. If we found new oil and banned it from export, we will buy less, and the same effect on the price (except some additional inefficiency if we found them in US Virgin Island and have to ship it all the way to here instead of selling to the near by nations and buy from Canada, for example).

The only exception would be if we found more oil than we import (i.e. someone give you 30 potatoes and ask you not to sell it, and you only eat 20)
His flaw is that he saw a "we" in the "you" ..and we know there is no "we"
There won't be any new oil fields coming to you any time soon. ALL the oil presently known about was discovered by 1965. Supply & demand will only move price north. Up a quarter this month, down a dime next month, but still up .15. The Earth DOES NOT contain a "creamy nugget" center. The rare blurb you get from the MSM will sound like a huge oil find but in reality it is so remote that actual extraction rate will be lower than expected and have virtually NO IMPACT on price at pump. Conservation is our only hope.
Originally Posted By: H2GURU
ALL the oil presently known about was discovered by 1965.

I would like to learn more about this. Source?
Originally Posted By: Tempest
Please define conservation.

Getting more out of it without expanding its consumption. Not an easy task when you base your total economic theory on 100% perpetual saturation of available markets with infinite expansion. It knows not "conservation" and cares not about "running out". It just does.
OK, now I'm confused. According to that last link, one third of the year 2000 oil production came from 58 "giant" (their term) oil fields that have been discovered since 1965.

Am I reading that wrong?
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