New Gas Stations - Ethanol Select Dispensers

All of my family (cousins, aunts and uncles, etc) are from the UK and most of their vehicles run on diesel. One of my cousins were visiting and got a rental car, went to put fuel in it, and had to double-check which nozzle to use. They are color-coded, in some cases, but they use (let's just say) GREEN nozzles for diesel and blue for gasoline but here in the US, the pump was the opposite. Whatever the color difference was, he almost put diesel in a gasoline model.
I’m impressed that your cousin had the courage to drive a vehicle with left-hand drive. If I were ever to get the privilege of visiting the UK, I can assure you I would not get behind the wheel because that would create a disaster of epic proportions 😎
I've been there and driven cars. It's not that hard to adapt to. I had more trouble shifting gears with my left hand instead of the right though.