My conspiracy thought.

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There is no need for too much :) underhanded conspiracy. Despite various posters parroting things like "the manufacturers know best", nothing could be further from the truth. They make products that simply don't last, and they don't care, they are in the business of SELLING CARS afterall. They use materials that are known to not hold up. They don't adequately test, and every subsequent model and engine is just an application of tribal knowledge, nothing more.

Nor are modern oils "better". Additive packages are being cut by 2/3'rds, replaced by oil blends that attempt to make up the difference. Many manufacturers adapt, some do not. But don't tell me that the oils do the same job as before. They don't. AND, they don't have to.

A simple comparison to the build quality of a modern airplane and modern car clearly highlights significant differences. Modern airliners are designed to last 80,000 hours, get struck by lightning multiple times, tolerate severe turbluence without structural damage, and operate with nearly unreal reliability. One product is properly engineered, the other is truly a joke and belongs in the humor section...
Oh my.
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