Is it snowing where you are?

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Originally posted by GROUCHO MARX:
We're getting a boatload here!

Same here up in northwest, NJ. Thank God it's on the weekend! I can't imagine what it would have been like driving home from work today. Probably would have taken me 4 hours to go 28 miles.

Here in mid Michigan we got dumped on with about 12" of light fluffy stuff over the past 10 hours. Just as the snow tapered off, the wind has picked up to about 30mph and blowing this stuff all over.

I have plowed our drive three times already - just don't tell the wife that I enjoy playing on the Kubota.

Oh, Groucho, we were supposed to get more snow here, but I sent it out east. Have fun.
It's not snowing here inside my house!

Seriously though, we're getting a nasty storm here. It's hard to say how much since a lot of it is blowing around, but they did predict we'd get anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of snow here, depending on the location. Thankfully this storm didn't happen on a workday! The roads should be cleared up nicely by Monday morning. I put the Corvette in my garage last night and it won't come out until Monday. If this happened on a workday I would've had to borrow my mom's car for sure. I'm so glad I've got that option, as the Corvette is no fun in deep snow (nor does it have the proper tires for it)

Originally posted by Patman:
Thankfully this storm didn't happen on a workday!

I actually had to work, hence to drive all the way to Mississauga and back today. It wasn't umm... pleasant; I missed my exit because I couldn't see a thing. Oh well, that was just snow falling, not stones...
So far 10" where I'm at. Took the Ram out and it cut right through it. But I had a close call. R295 North, the roads were plowed. I put it back in 2 whee drive. I gave it too much gas by accident and I fished tailed and did 2 360's.
Luckily no other cars were on the road and I gained control.

Once I stopped the truck shut off. ABS ligh went on and then I started it back up. Thank god no other cars were on the road. I was down at my parents house and wanted to make it back to my house before the state of emergency which was at 8:00 EST.
It has been snowing since about 3 pm and the temperature is up to +4F. Last night it was -14F.

You have to not mind cold weather to live up here.

On the other hand, the high temperature for all of last summer was 81F.
12f and a few flurries this morning, enough to give a white cast to the grass until the sun came out. Southern Illinois. We had our 12 inches of snow back around Christmas, none since, but lots of rain.
Yes, but no accumulation. I was going to take an early 3K sample for Terry to look at, but it dropped 30 degrees and the wind is up around 40MPH. I'll pass on that tonight and wait til it gets back up in the 50's next week.
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