Hot Dog Truck

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Dec 12, 2006
Sometimes life throws you a nice little surprise. I moved into a new house ten months ago. A lot quieter and more rural where I live now.
A short distance away is a small shopping area with a grocery store, a pizza place, ice cream, liquor and a beer distributor. In the parking lot of the beer distributor, a hot dog truck parks there six days a week. Never really gave it a thought but I did notice it was pretty busy.
I've had a few people tell me it was great. Never got around to trying it. Just so happened today, my son and I were coming back into town from running some errands and ready for lunch. The hot dog truck popped into my head so we stopped there. I have to say, it was darn tasty. We got two chili cheese dogs and two sauerkraut and mustard, a small potato salad and a small macaroni salad for twelve bucks. We'll be hittin' that up again.
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OP, you live in NY, NY...I wonder where your new rural area is? Staten Island?

A bloke has a bratwurst cart on Rt.4/22 immediately north of the intersection with Rt.149.

It is so good. "It's all about the dog".
Originally Posted by Kira
OP, you live in NY, NY...I wonder where your new rural area is? Staten Island?

A bloke has a bratwurst cart on Rt.4/22 immediately north of the intersection with Rt.149.

It is so good. "It's all about the dog".

No, I live in Suffolk County. When I opened the account on here I was at work in Manhattan and wanted to ask a question in the Industrial threads. That's why I put NY, NY.

It was funny, on the menu on this truck they had a double hot dog hero. The first and only place I ever saw that was this place in the middle of Brooklyn in East NY called Coney Island Joe's. I even had the T shirt that said Home of the Double Hot Dog Hero. Wonder if they were ever there.
Earlier, when we had parties in the backyard, we did homemade hot dogs. Now my wife is on a diet (she has low-carb nutrition) and we no longer cook hot dogs. I don't often leave my area, so I don't often eat fast food. I miss it.
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