Guy living in his car

Hey, after searching for awhile for the elusive video, I found a clip of it. Ol' Pete is very clear, they're proposing to magnanimously give (on the backs of taxpayers) 12.5k towards the purchase of an electric vehicle. WHAT A GUY!!!

Hey, you can't afford a tank of gas? Your worries are over, because uncle sugar will give a 12.5k stipend of taxpayer dollars for that glorious EV, you only have to come up with the other what 30k minimum? no problem...

It's a Youtube video, which clearly answers your question.

I don't know that I'm allowed to link to it, so look for this Title on Youtube:

Mayor Antoinette: Can't Afford Gas? Buy an Electric Car​

The title of that video is all I need to know. Talk about spin...
I've tracked a few living in their cars around here, merely out of curiosity.

It appears to me the vehicle broke down and they don't have the means to fix it or replace it.

As time passes it starts to look more and more inoperable, like flat tires, broken lenses or even windows replaced with fabrics.

I kinda feel bad for the business owners or corporate store managers -- I mean providing a little leniency to a mobile vehicle makes it feel temporary. But as the vehicle seemingly sinks into the black top (figuratively), it becomes a more permanent fixture that will require a rollback.

Also, unrelated to a vehicle breaking down, but if I had to be homeless I'd work my way south to better weather and easier winters. And not in a tourist town with high cost of living, unless one truly intends to get a job and feels the tourism industry provides employment opportunities. Many of these people don't intend to work, though.
There is a large place we shop maybe weekly (not going to get any more specific since I'm not trying to out anyone) that has a guy living in an old Corolla in the parking lot. The car is always in the same spot and has been there for the past few months. Management has to be aware of this so is apparently tolerating it. Maybe the guy works there?
We usually park withing twenty or thirty feet of him out in the boonies, where there is no competition for parking spaces and there is no chance of door dings. The guy has always been in the car when we've been there and the car does run, since I've heard it idling on colder days, probably for a little heat. I've never seen him out of the car and he apparently doesn't hassle or panhandle any of the shoppers, since if he did he'd certainly get run off quickly.
I find this situation both a little strange as well as rather sad.
How common is this?

It is quite common. People on social security usually cannot afford rent if they have to buy food or medicines so they end up living in their cars. Not sure if this gentleman is retired or still working but life can be tough.
The title of that video is all I need to know. Talk about spin...
Check it out on YT.
Couple of guys gassing away and very little of the man himself.
Not at all demonstrative of the Secretary making let 'em eat cake remarks.
Check it out on YT.
Couple of guys gassing away and very little of the man himself.
Not at all demonstrative of the Secretary making let 'em eat cake remarks.

But it is exactly what he said. It also demonstrates exactly how clueless, out of touch, and elitist he is.
Ever heard of a roommate?
It is not always possible.

I know a janitor who work 2 full time job and has a house, stay at home wife, and 4 children 2 hours of commute away. He decided to buy an SUV to sleep in between 2 full time jobs, and go home every weekend instead of every day.

Tough life, hard working, but technically homeless by the workweek.
I see people almost every day, who apparently are living in their vehicles. I also know, there are a variety of reasons; money isn't solely the reason behind it.

Actually, I know someone personally who did this. Sold his house in Minneapolis (crime was through the roof in his suburb), was assaulted while on the job doing food deliveries in a bad area -- actually took a very well known Pizza chain to court and won a settlement.

For a year, he lived in his truck, traveled northern MN/WI and Fly fished for Muskies. Then gradually headed south, and spent the winter in Arizona. Journaled his travels on his FB account.
I see people almost every day, who apparently are living in their vehicles. I also know, there are a variety of reasons; money isn't solely the reason behind it.

Actually, I know someone personally who did this. Sold his house in Minneapolis (crime was through the roof in his suburb), was assaulted while on the job doing food deliveries in a bad area -- actually took a very well known Pizza chain to court and won a settlement.

For a year, he lived in his truck, traveled northern MN/WI and Fly fished for Muskies. Then gradually headed south, and spent the winter in Arizona. Journaled his travels on his FB account.
An extended fishing trip sounds great!
Basically how much lower would it be if slave labor was used?

You wanna pay people $40, $60, $85 dollars an hour for entry level menial jobs ?

Which for the record I have done a few of these… And was glad… Actually extremely glad I did.

I highly highly doubt you want to do that…

Neither do I…

But if the State mandates that to a higher and higher and higher level…. To the point of it being very, very expensive to businesses…

That will be passed on to everyone else in society. Which is why the cost of fast food has gone up so very much in the past number of years.

And I’m sorry but not every job should pay a whole of of money…

And people can choose not to work for certain places or people.

Just like I choose not to shop at Walmart…

I’m sorry but people who are physicians, pharmacist, physicist, orthodontist, specialized engineers etc etc …

Should make a whole lot more money vs a very entry level position like I used to do at a grocery store or at the gym.

And I’m sorry but not everyone has the same abilities… People who are truly gifted, dedicated and earn their place… Deserve what they can probably 95 to 99 percent of the time.

Just like you have… You earned your place dishdudes….

Having a forced and artificially work environment with overpaid very high paying menial minimum jobs in the end will lead to more jobs losses and passed very high expenses to customers.. Eventually is not helping hardly anyone.
The landlord gets their money, the utilities get their money, the suppliers get their money...,why can't the worker be paid a reasonable wage? No one is asking anyone else to take it on the chin for the business.
What??? The government recently expected landlords to EAT someone elses rent for awhile! Of course the mom and pop landlords were never exempted from taxes or any other obligation. Pure THEFT.
I think they should drop the minimum wage. Some of the workers i see in stores don't look like they should earn $12+ an hour. Sitting around on their phones, filling out orders wrong, not knowing how to run a checkout line. Why should they make more than a skilled electrician? And if they do raise the minimum wage, everyone just raises their prices to compensate, so then the value of the dollar drops.

A government is bad at running an economy, and it always has been in every country in the world. Economy is mostly self-regulating through supply and demand, but government programs like social security come along and mess stuff up
It’s actually a step up from living in a tent under a highway overpass. An old SUV where you could stretch out would be nice. I’m not sure how one would get by security at a gym since they make their money swiping ID’s of the patrons.
Actually a lot of folks living in their cars have a place somewhere else but due to where they work the commute is unworkable.

Chicago mall workers have lived from car during the 3 months of extreme overtime for around 20 years, they wouldn’t get any sleep if they did otherwise.

If you tell them you wouldn’t have to deal with any of that north of the IL border you get the “I just love Chicago so much”

I really can’t understand why but to each their own.
As a nation we are trillions of dollars indebt due to having our income redistributed to foreign governments and other reasons. Money best spent at home. .
Far more income has been redistributed to wealthy people than to foreign countires. The top marginal tax rate in the 1950s was over 90% for incomes over $205,000.

I'm not suggesting that we go back to something quite that draconian, but the middle class is getting more hollowed out every year. And the foreign aid budget is a fraction of the overall federal government budget.
A bit of prayer is needed for the unhoused. I grew in in Buffalo, Ny and rarely seen it. I moved to Austin then San Antonio and it is all over the place. Areas of San Antonio are becoming like California, Austin even worse. Tent cities under every overpass. Many are not from this country and beg in the streets, or busy intersections. Gypsie mothers are in Walmart parking lots with signs asking for money.

My spouse has been in social services for 15 years, she says that some of her clients would not like to get jobs, or do anything so they prefer to stay on the streets and "camp out" as they put it. Mental illness issues are at play in almost all cases.

If I didn't have to commute to the city a couple times a week I wouldn't go downtown.
I wonder… boring, or too hard/too unsafe?

I saw a number of the YouTube type folks. Of course it was all “glam” and wonderful. Doing yoga in nature, brewing coffee, living at some random dirt spot.

In practice I can’t imagine it being truly comfortable or practical. I mean, look at how the RV crowd goes to “camp”, yet ends up with 10k lbs worth of stuff and 30A electric service?!?

But this isn’t about glam living or YouTube, or RVing. And that’s what blows my mind - the living conditions over time. The only place I’ve really seen blatant car living is in CA in the Bay Area. I’m sure it still gets to be pretty nasty in those cars at night, even given the decent climate there. Maybe it’s better than a tent or something else? But after a while I’d think that mold and stink would grow in there and it would become nasty…. You’re essentially in a sealed metal box with fabrics and a lot of heat under certain conditions.
Well I guess the trick is not to seal it up. We've rented a small camper van and lived in it for many weeks, and it was fine, it was white and had a roof vent with a fan too, but we mostly camped in unpowered sites so relied on passive ventilation at night. So I think a car dweller needs to add some screened windows, and ideally a shaded sunroof that you can tilt open with a screen added could pull a lot of air while keeping bugs out.
If you want to see a good example of how to live in a van simply, for years, check out
He started out just living in a minivan because he hated paying good money to live with terrible roommates and he wanted to save almost all his wages so he could travel for most of the year. He builds his interiors himself and has a pretty reasonable standard of living and eats better than most people with their 100+k kitchens.... I think now he does pretty well on youtube, but still pretty much does the same stuff, just with some nicer but reasonable gear.
I can see how it happens.

We have a family friend who is now 58. About 8 years ago he received a pretty severe cancer diagnosis. At the time he was a school teacher with a master's degree, very smart with what seemed like a good head on his shoulders. Athletic and social. With his cancer treatments doctors had him on some pretty heavy pain meds. At one point he had months left to live. Miraculously things turned around for him, and his health started getting better, but he got addicted to the pain meds, and his life spiraled downward after that. With his treatments he couldn't work, he lost his job, nobody would hire him, and the meds became a crutch. He eventually lost his house, his family, and was living out of his car. Eventually he lost that, went into rehab, and is now clean but living in a shelter/facility.