Great article on data analysis

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This wasn't meant as a political post. But since you bring it up, Nate Silver is current predicting a senate win for the GOP and is getting flak from the left. He's purely a numbers person. If the loudest critique in the recent past was from the right, yet he was provedd right, it doesn't automatically make him left leaning, it just makes him right! If the Dems do the same, it just proves his point that so many people in power fail to scrutinize numbers.

He is the pre eminent statistician in the mainstream. He focuses on sports as well, yet when he brings his expertise to politics he is derided by whoever doesn't like to hear his interpretation of numbers. The response to him is almost as illuminating as his analysis.
The fact that people dismiss this stuff is not just because they have some petty distaste for his conclusions. It's because political issues are moral issues, and human moral reasoning -- for VERY good reasons -- centers on us-versus-them, not on discerning truth.

I agree that this is a great article, but the politics will always eclipse the content. That's especially true these days, when politics are so bitter and venomous.

Don't think this thread can go anywhere but down, unfortunately. Hope I'm wrong.
Any search for the truth must include an honest look at ones own biases. Not doing this means the vast majority of us think we are dealing in the only truth when in fact we are expressing opinions or a system of belief rooted in personal bias.

At worse, it leads to thinking our truths override the preferences of others which is the antithesis of liberty, ironically a truth that many also claim as uniquely their own.
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