Game Warden - Checking out the neighbor's home

Was at a friends house one night and he's on 150 acres that butts up to my little 10acres and there is a common dirt road that goes between the properties but it is a private road. The public paved roads are on the opposites sides of us. We noticed a pickup driving slow up the dirt road (private) with is lights off. We both grabbed guns and went to confront the truck which turned out to be a game warden! He was polite and claimed he was watching for illegal hunting due to a "call he got" which was a lie but he was polite and left the property without drama. We did let him know it was a private road and that is why we confronted him and pointed out were the public roads were. He did say public or private is within his authority. We keep the private road gates locked now.
Game wardens have great powers that exceed that of most other law enforcement when it comes to search and seize. Should they catch you with poached fish or game they can and will confiscate not only your illegal game but also your car. They can enter your property without a warrant (open field doctrine) and check for poached this and that. They will get a warrant and look in your freezer, etc. The fine for one poached or out-of-season crab is now $600. I saw a warden catch a guy with 20 poached crabs. I see game wardens often near our beaches and in the parks. They watch people with binoculars from the parking lot, the dunes, and they use drones. There are not very many game wardens and it is an underpaid job.
Underpaid yes. Corrupt because here in KY they get 100% of the fines as part of their paycheck. So if they confiscate my car, guns, etc. and I am found innocent should they not make reparations for damages they caused?
North Woods Law, I think covers ME, NH & VT maybe? Lone Star Law just in Texas. One called something like Northwest Law in WA & OR? And maybe one or two others used to be on APL network. They had some interesting segments. They do a lot more than just check licenses, some of it at great risk. ETA Just looking and found current offerings include Wardens which is apparently anywhere in the country, Wardens Of The North which is Michigan and Yellowstone Wardens. Not sure which, if any, are current with new episodes. Lone Star Law is airing in reruns.
I had one exchange with a MI DNR officer years back and it was my first and last. File it under the no good deed goes unpunished category. It devolved into me being accused of crimes. When he made claims that I had stated certain facts to his dispatcher I told him he was a liar and asked him to play them back. He didnt realize that I had 20+ yrs in public safety and had been involved in our radio system and had dispatch knowledge.
I am appalled at the conduct I see and their flagrant disregard for people rights. It would seem its common across the country.
The only DFW official I've ever seen wrote my neighbor a ticket for hunter harassment during goose season a few years back. The neighbors were northern transplants, guess they didn't know there was a season for the things they had been feeding off the end of their pier, they have since moved.
Reading this thread reminds me to keep to myself with regards to the Marine Police, Game Wardens and cops in general. I have found all those FB stories of how helpful they are to people are mostly made up or it's usually some old lady who couldn't find her car keys in her purse.

I've honestly wanted to stop a marine police/game warden on the lake and have them give me an inspection of my boat and safety/required items to make sure I'm in compliance with their standards/etc., make sure I've got everything correct. The wording/list can be vague/confusing/etc., when you are shopping at the store trying to buy the correct items.

I'm glad I've decided against not speaking to one at the dock/marina every time I've seen them.
Do you have any official source backing up this statement?
I'll put money on it that this is internet gossip. First, a court is who assigns the fine and they are going to take a cut of that so the "100%" claim is already out the window. The department (fish & game or whatever KY calls it) will get another cut (probably the biggest cut). The state of KY will want something. Do they pay "performance bonuses" to the officers that factor in the violations they write ? They very well might.
His truck was parked a house down from the corner and had worn out yellow lettering on the door, "Game Warden"; no other markings or anything that appeared official. No bar lights either. No other law enforcement was in the area.

He could be a criminal dressed like a game warden so he can scope out houses so his crew of criminals can hit it later.
Do you have any official source backing up this statement?
I do not have anything officially confirming this just a friend who is a game warden that told me he gets 100% of the fines to help with the low salary. I think there are separate court fees that the others take.
I do not have anything officially confirming this just a friend who is a game warden that told me he gets 100% of the fines to help with the low salary. I think there are separate court fees that the others take.
I don't know how to respond to this without sounding extremely dismissive. All I can say is, if your FRIEND said this ask him the question you asked me. You could also contact the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and ask for clarification. Their number is (502) 564-3400
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Or follow the laws and enjoy your game . Always worked for me . I've only had one interaction with a game warden once in my life .
Generally works. Behave well, get treated well.

Although, there are always exceptions, the vast majority of the time, how things unfold is entirely up to the individual.

I'm not a hunter or fishing type. I don't do any of that. My freezer has popsicles in it and some Lean Cuisine's.
Now humans being humans and the degradation of the USA Constitution from 100 years ago+ until now (really started soon after 1900, some say 1860 or so) The current system can easily be abused at many levels, from recruited perves, deviants and power hungry bungholes up to gov over reach.

Of course looney rightwackos are the only idiots to stand in the face of such abuses, but you know, those people need cancel and now.

Lawsuits Hope to Change Doctrine That Gives Wildlife Agents Free Rein on Private Property​

BATON ROUGE, La.—At 39 degrees under cloudy skies, that day was cooler than average for December. Having seen no deer, Tom Manuel decided to leave.

He was taken aback when he met a Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries agent standing beside a state truck. The warden asked for his gun so he could unload it.

Mr. Manuel refused to hand over his Remington Model 700 bolt action rifle, though he did remove a round from the chamber and place it on the seat of his pickup truck.

After answering the warden’s questions and proving he had not violated any game laws, Mr. Manuel asked the officer what probable cause he had to enter clearly posted private property.

“He said, ‘The mere fact that you’re hunting was all the probable cause I need,’” Mr. Manuel told The Epoch Times of the incident on Dec. 6, 2023.
Now humans being humans and the degradation of the USA Constitution from 100 years ago+ until now (really started soon after 1900, some say 1860 or so) The current system can easily be abused at many levels, from recruited perves, deviants and power hungry bungholes up to gov over reach.

Of course looney rightwackos are the only idiots to stand in the face of such abuses, but you know, those people need cancel and now.

Lawsuits Hope to Change Doctrine That Gives Wildlife Agents Free Rein on Private Property​

Well..we seem to have loonies on both sides at the moment...all rights are being attacked...including the right to privacy.