Daily log of tonsil surgery recovery

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May 16, 2011
Greenville, SC via Chicago, IL
Laugh all you want. I lay on the couch all day so why not document my lovely day.

I've read conflicting stories of adults getting their Tonsils removed and the terrible 2 week recovery time.

I'm 27, male, and was very scared of this procedure. There are actually Tonsil forums where people talk about it. They really planted a negative next 10-12 days....

Day #1- Arrived at hospitbal at 8am. Girlfriend and I hung out in room till around 9:30. Met with anesthesiologist, he was a very nice and knowledgeable man. My surgery doctor reminds me of a nip tuck doctor. He has a cockyness to him. Kinda a smarta##. We got along great.

Around 9:50 I was wheeled to the actual procedure room. Completely sober. I had ALOT of anxiety at this point. The surgery crew, fully dressed with mask etc had me slide off to my bed to a hard metal table. They then put boots on me, wrapped my arms in a foam padding thing, and then strapped my body to the table. At this point I was ready to run. They asked what I do for a living etc. I told them they better drug me ASAP as I'm strapped to a table freaking out.....I guess they had already started the IV because I knocked out after that.

I woke up hour 1/2 later in recovery. I honestly felt hungover with a sore throat. Dam nurse wouldn't give me ice water. I was moved to my room after 30 minutes of staring at the sink.

Met the girlfriend there. I ate a Popsicles until I was released at 12:30ish. I tried to walk myself out but its policy to make sure I make it to the door. A 76 year old man pushed my wheel chair. I felt bad.

GF drove me home. I was told to hydrate!!!! it is the difference between a good recovery and a terrible one. I sat around and drank Gatorade, eating Italian ice, popsicles, and ice cream.

Of course I added my liquid codeine to the Gatorade as they share the same flavor. I didn't have much as I feel like I have strep throat.

I felt good enough to go to my grandpas 94th bday party at a local pizza place. I sat there and ate ice cream.

I'm on the couch for the night and that concludes day #1.

So yea I bought that new car Saturday and I'm not allowed to drive it........
Glad you made it through with no real negatives... I cant imagine what it is like being strapped down without being drugged...

What necessitated tonsil removal? I thought this was more or less an "obsolete" surgery? It was common until the mid-80's at least, I think...
Originally Posted By: JHZR2
Glad you made it through with no real negatives... I cant imagine what it is like being strapped down without being drugged...

What necessitated tonsil removal? I thought this was more or less an "obsolete" surgery? It was common until the mid-80's at least, I think...

I have(had) cryptic tonsillitis. So my tonsils were degenerating and they would create tic-tac size balls of calcium or some other yellow substance that tasted like well....you get the picture. Besides poking these out daily, and the sore throats I decided to get them removed. I had to chew gum consistently or suffer the awful taste.
Ugh ... I have a bad feeling I'm headed in that direction. I *never* get sick, but I get tonislitis two times a year (at least) and the smelly things coming out of the tonsils.

Luckily, I don't have bad breath.
Originally Posted By: dja4260
Laugh all you want. I lay on the couch all day so why not document my lovely day.

I've read conflicting stories of adults getting their Tonsils removed and the terrible 2 week recovery time.

I don't know why anyone would want to laugh at you.

I've also read that it's really bad for adults, as opposed to children. Still, I would not pay much attention to what you read on the internet. Everybody's different and just because someone else takes a while to heal or has a bad experience with it, doesn't mean you will.

Resolve to get better as soon as possible and you'll likely be just fine. Sounds like you're already doing very well. Good luck for a fast recovery.
Sounds like their bedside manner with sedating you was not very good. Strapping people down while they're still conscious and coherent will make almost anyone panic. I know I sure would.
Day 2

I was awake most of the night. I got about 4 hours of off and on sleep. Sitting up makes it very difficult to sleep. I was able to stay off the pain medicine most of the day. I drove my new car to the store to buy more Gatorade. I fell asleep late afternoon and a friend came over to check in on me. He left and then my parents, grandparents, and sister came to visit. I was talking to everyone and that really aggravated my throat. Being mute is the way to go! I was able to eat chicken broth for dinner. Basically the highlight of my day.

I've stayed very hydrated even when swallowing is very painful. I think that is directly related to how well I'm doing.

I'm getting very sick of day time television. COPS always makes me feel better about myself.

I feel like there is a huge ball of flem or build up in the back of my throat. I'm to scared to attempt to hack it up. I think I'm just going to let it be and hope for another great day tomorrow.

And yes, being strapped down on a cold metal table with 4 people strapping limbs down isn't fun. I'm going to bring that up during my post-op appointment.
When I can't sleep because I'm sitting upright I'll take a nap in the shower standing up. It doesn't do anything good for the electric bill, but getting a little sleep is worth it.

In the unlikely event your tonsils grow back and need to be removed again or if you need some other surgery, ask if they can give you some dilaudid or something similar to take the panic away.

Stick with the Gatorade. Powerade may taste better but can be habit forming. I started doing Powerade once when I was sick. A month later I was up to 8 bottles a day. I'm off it now, but there's always that fear that one day I'll slip and go back to the Powerade.

Speedy recovery.
I had a rough night.

I fell asleep at midnight and woke up at 3am. My throat was very dry but I had a terrible earache. I took a spoonful of codiene and because of its thickness it kinda sat in the back of my throat. This caused me to cough violently. It took me about 45 minutes to calm down and clear my throat. I did fall back asleep around 4, and woke up at 7 with my mouth wide open. Dammit.

I feel ok thus far. I put down a bottle of water already.
Originally Posted By: yonyon

Stick with the Gatorade. Powerade may taste better but can be habit forming. I started doing Powerade once when I was sick. A month later I was up to 8 bottles a day. I'm off it now, but there's always that fear that one day I'll slip and go back to the Powerade.

what is in it that is habit forming? I drink one bottle of Zero a couple times a week and have a hard time even finishing one.
Originally Posted By: dwcopple
Originally Posted By: yonyon

Stick with the Gatorade. Powerade may taste better but can be habit forming. I started doing Powerade once when I was sick. A month later I was up to 8 bottles a day. I'm off it now, but there's always that fear that one day I'll slip and go back to the Powerade.

what is in it that is habit forming? I drink one bottle of Zero a couple times a week and have a hard time even finishing one.

I have no idea what's in it that has that effect, but after drinking a Powerade it seems like my whole body feels ten years less old and worn out for a while. It doesn't do that to everyone, but I know a number of people who react the same way.
Glad you made it through it. I see you had yours taken out the old fashion way, "cold knife" removal. They have a new procedure called laser ablation; tonsil removed by laser on an outpatient basis under a local anesthesia. You sit a dentist-like chair and they remove them pretty quick. Pain and recovery is minimal. Most people say it is like a sore throat for a couple of days and is nowhere near as bad as the old method. The reason the old method is so rough, is because it is difficult to remove just the tonsil capsule with a scalpel, but instead the tonsil tissue is removed along with some muscles tissue too. Laser ablation also minimizes the risk of hemorrhage and there is little to no bleeding post surgery.
Feeling decent today. I still am waking up every 2-3 hours to drink fluids. My throat is so sore/raw that I have a hard time opening my mouth. I'm so sick of Gatorade style drinks. I want Taco Bell and a much deserved beer.
I had the laser method done 4 years ago. It left a metal taste in my mouth for a few weeks. I tried going back to work after 4 days but my body wouldn't let me. Took me a solid week before I could eat anything good. I lived off of mac n cheese, its soft enough and small enough you can chew very little,if at all, to swallow it. I have tonsillitis for 2 months straight before I got mine taken out. Couldn't get of it, tried 3 different antibiotics. They ended up giving me something called Omnicef for 5 days before the surgery to help clear it up before and after the procedure.
My buddy is taking me to get a milkshake for lunch. He's either a good friend, or really wants me to share my liquid hydrocodone.

Odds are both.....

I have nothing eventful to update. I guess its a good thing!
Good luck getting better.

I remember being so hungry I bought a foot long meatball sub, and all I could do was stare at it. That and the awful taste in my mouth all the time.
My tonsils started heavily bleeding. It was since stopped but I spoke to my surgeon and he said if it starts again, to call him and he will meet me at ER. I'm praying it stops!!!

He would have to give me local anesthesia and cauterize the area.
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