Body de-toxing/cleansing

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For sure, you are eating too much this year

I can't believe that is possible, since I'm only eating about 2500 calories a day. That is not a lot of food really, and it's the same amount of calories I've always eaten (although I eat a bit more on weekends, but I certainly don't pig out)

You need to believe it. It is the first step necessary to correct the problem. Keep a food log. If you eat it, write it down. It will help.


the detox/cleansing is not for weight loss

I don't necessarily think that there is 5 or 10 pounds worth of stuff clogging up my system, I just think that perhaps whatever toxins there might be in my system are hindering my body's metabolism. And by ridding my body of these toxins I figured it might jump start my metabolism again.

The key to weight loss is reduced consumption and exercise. Aerobic exercise will boost your metabolism so your body will burn more of the calories you take in. That combined with eating less will do the trick. As for diet, quite sweets and high fats.

I was around 190 lbs in Feb 06 and eating a candy bar every day as well as other snacks. At that time I quit all snacks and candy, cookies, etc, and started jogging about 4 miles a week in half mile sessions. In about 3 to 4 months I weighed 165, less than I ever weighed since high school. I am still 165 and still jogging the same amount, but now am eating more protein and junk and can't get the weight back on.
You didn't mention if you've had a full physical lately, blood work, AND, also, have your doctor check for thyroid level efficiency.

If your thyroid levels are low, you will not be able to lose weight, irregardless how little you eat or change your diet. Some people don't realize that your thyroid levels only have to be off a VERY slight amount to cause issues.

If you want to detox (what-ever that REALLY means) yourself, seriously; go to a natural food store and pick up some locally produced natural honey (non-pasturized), take 2-3 tspns and mix it into preservative free plain yogurt.

BUT, choose to do this on a day or two that you will not be very active, as you are not supposed to eat anything else for that day. Drinking clear fluids is fine, however, and highly recommended.

I've been known to rescue dogs from severly neglected/malnourished/abusive situations, and I ALWAYS start them out with a 12hr fast of nothing but water/honey/yogurt, especially if they have upset belly, diarreha, etc. always clears the issue up, and also keeps their blood sugar from getting too low.

My own 3 dogs get a *fast* if you will, on Sunday; they get nothing but a little natural honey, plain preservative free yogurt and water. The yogurt helps replenish/preserve the good bacteria in the gut, honey is a good natural food for the system - as long as it's *natural* honey and not loaded with preservatives/additional sugars.

Also, in that same store, you will/should find Barlean's Flax-seed oil (refridgerator area) which contains the good Omega fatty acids 3-6-9 in acceptable/healthy amounts. This oil is VERY beneficial for overall health, not just weight issue - but it HAS to stay refridgerated, and word of warning, it's NOT all that pleasant, but you don't have to take much.

If your thyroid levels are low, you will not be able to lose weight, irregardless how little you eat or change your diet.

So you'd gain weight even if you eat less calories than you use in a day? I think we may have just discovered the means to end world hunger!
I jog when shopping in big box stores, and when getting to/from the car in the parking lot, which is parked really far away to prevent more door dings.
Gaining weight over time is a simple lifestyle kind of thing; you're consuming more calories than you're burning. You need to make chnages in your lifestyle, to either increase the calories you're bruning, or decrease the calories you're consuming. Yes, it's that simple, but remember one of Murphy's Rules of Combat; 'The important things are always simple; the simple are always hard' :^)

The main reason that jogging for 20 minutes three times a week doesn't usually work if you ddon't want to give up on your double cheeseburgers, large frys and large soda is:

1. A pound of fat consists of about 3500 calories.

2. If you weigh 200 lbs, jog about 3 milles at about 5mph, you'll burn roughly about 500 calories. 3500 / 500 = 7, 7 x 3 = 21 miles to burn that pound of fat.

3. Look at the calories you're consuming. A Burger King double Whopper with cheese is almost 1200 calories. 1200 / 500 = 2.4 x 3 = 7 miles of jogging to burn those calories.

4. If you want to walk instead of jogging, weigh about 200 lbs, walk up a moderatly steep hill at 3.5 mph, you'll burn about 10 calories a minute. 1200 / 10 = 120 minutes or two hours to burn off that cheeseburger.
G-man, I tried colon blow when I was not flying for a shoulder injury just for fun at the squadron. Lets just say the results are not as large as they claim. At least no for me!!

The squadron sure enjoyed my antics as I drank that funny mixture to so called cleanse me. Did not lead to any weight loss though.
Google "Master Cleanse" which is also known as lemonade fast or lemonade diet. I guarantee it works every time and it's much easier than dieting.
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Amazing. BITOG comes through again. Someone turned me onto that 20 years ago....I had no idea it was anything famous. I did it once and thought it was excellent. I did it for a week and came off the fast with a veggie burger and a beer at Crater Lake.
Lot of good points made so far. I personally don't like diets that exclude food groups. I believe in the more traditional approach which is to increase your exercise and reduce your caloric intake.

If you take in more energy than you use (calories), you will gain weight. One diet I keep hearing about and know very little about is the Cookie Diet.
Those products are a serious ripoff. Lots of fruits vegetables and water. The less "white poisons" (sugar, flour, salt and white bread)), the better There is really no substitute for a healthy diet.

Anything on an infomercial needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

I just can't imagine what else I can do to lose these stubborn pounds, I already drink lots of water, exercise about an hour a day, and limit the amount of sugary treats I give myself. I eat about 2500 calories a day, so it's not like I'm starving myself (which would cause my metabolism to slow)

Start smoking and consider using smack. As an added bonus, you won't get old!
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