BMW GM5 module repair

Jun 22, 2022
My BMW Z4 has started to have the classic symptoms of a bad General Module 5 - the doors have a problem unlocking. I have determined that it's not the actuators. From the videos I've watched, it doesn't seem to be a big deal to repair, just unsoldering the old Tyco relays and resoldering the new ones. My hobby is vintage electronic repair so soldering is not an issue. Buying a new one is a no-go because it will need to be reprogrammed.

Any words of advice by anyone who have made this repair?
I have not done this particular one but have done some on other Euro cars that either the locks didn't work or they were possessed, locking and unlocking more times once the car got to 5 mph. It is not a big job once you have the replacement relays in hand, simple through soldering not like PITA drag soldering for SMD. Give it a go
I think the car can function without the GM5 in it. Will take it out this weekend to order the correct relays.