A list of 2011 cars to buy, or not to buy.

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I thought it had been a while since the last UAW/CAW bashing thread. Here we go again!

Nice to see my Cruze on that list. Glad to be helping my fellow working American in a crucial industry that's (finally) making a product worth its price.
Guess I satisfied R2d2 as my cars are Union Made. Not that I checked into that before I bought any of them. My question is does it make me a bad person if I bought a USA made car that was not Union Made. As a consumer why is union made a big deal for me?

I stand corrected. Not the Pathfinder. Bought that many years ago when I was really dissatisfied with American Quality. Had a Jeep Grand Cherokee and was truly not happy with it.
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Originally Posted By: 65convertible
Guess I satisfied R2d2 as my cars are Union Made. Not that I checked into that before I bought any of them. My question is does it make me a bad person if I bought a USA made car that was not Union Made. As a consumer why is union made a big deal for me?

I stand corrected. Not the Pathfinder. Bought that many years ago when I was really dissatisfied with American Quality. Had a Jeep Grand Cherokee and was truly not happy with it.

I don't know why union made matters either but I can tell you there are several cars that get my company paid that are not on this list. That is one of the reasons I bought a Civic (affiliated with my company) The only one on that list that my company has a direct relationship with is the Equinox/Terrain built at the CAMI GM plant in Ingersoll, ON.
Originally Posted By: Nick R
I thought it had been a while since the last UAW/CAW bashing thread

Why would anyone bash hard working American or Canadian workers. We need to keep them in a job and create more.
Give it a rest. There was only one Mitzu and one Mazda on the list. The othere were American by a vast majority. Lets keep the list growing...
Originally Posted By: johnachak
Originally Posted By: Nick R
I thought it had been a while since the last UAW/CAW bashing thread

Why would anyone bash hard working American or Canadian workers. We need to keep them in a job and create more.

It's not worker bashing he's referring to, it's Union bashing.
Originally Posted By: 65convertible

I stand corrected. Not the Pathfinder. Bought that many years ago when I was really dissatisfied with American Quality. Had a Jeep Grand Cherokee and was truly not happy with it.

No prob. I had one Japanese car once too (Nissan). Never again as it was a real P.O.S.... Everyone is entitled to a mistake now and then...
That's what I meant by hard working Americans and Canadians. Labor unions have their place as long as employers would take advantage of their workers. (As in ALWAYS). Sometimes they overstep but now they seem to be cooperating to get the U.S. back on track.
I am a retired Manager. If not for the unions we would bave taken advantage of the hourly's BIG TIME.
Still better than a Japanese or Korean company opening a plant in an area impoverishjed by their unfair, foreign government sponsored vehicles and hiring Americans at a rate their own countrymen (and women of course) would work for. I find it incredible that Americans use the Bailouts (which were or are being repaid) against American manufacturers when the foreign companies (especially Japanese and Korean) were and some are still highly subsidized by their governments. Remember, the headquarters and administration which is close to 33% of a company is outside the U.S.
I dont get it... Id think that any cars that are made in the US with substantial US content are the ones to buy. Seems that this is more of a "buy union" bit than a "buy American" one. While I'd argue that the best ones to buy if buying American are those who pay the most taxes to the USG, that isnt a consideration here.
The problem with some of these non-Union US "produced" vehicles is that they are partially produced with what amounts to sweat shops. A lot of the sub assembly is being done by temporary workers at near minimum wage and no benefits of course. At these stamping plants and parts suppliers (oftentimes owned and controlled by the foreign automaker) they are non union so there's nothing to prevent temporary, lower wage employment. At the final assembly plant with the manufacture's name on the plant, yeah the auto workers might get almost near UAW wages. That's what some like to point to but it's a small part of the process though. Smoke and mirrors. Numerous and good autoworker jobs replaced with fewer and not so good jobs.
Originally Posted By: johnachak
I am a retired Manager. If not for the unions we would bave taken advantage of the hourly's BIG TIME.

I got to give anyone in management that will say that props. Many of them think there's no such thing possible. Any employer can hire at temporary, near minimum wage status and work them into the ground, chew them up and spit them out. This siphons the tax base and consumer base dry, perpetuating the desperation required to scrape up a workforce at the bottom rate in the first place.
Originally Posted By: JHZR2
I dont get it... Id think that any cars that are made in the US with substantial US content are the ones to buy. Seems that this is more of a "buy union" bit than a "buy American" one. While I'd argue that the best ones to buy if buying American are those who pay the most taxes to the USG, that isnt a consideration here.

That is exactly the point. American manufacturers are also the Union employers. Buy American is definitely the idea. If you buy American and it is non Union made... Oh well... You still supported our countries economy.
Originally Posted By: Patman
Whatever happened to just buying a car because you like it? Sheesh.

Happens here. I buy what I want as I'm the one who has to WORK hard for my $$.

People need to EARN my $$.
Originally Posted By: johnachak
That's what I meant by hard working Americans and Canadians. Labor unions have their place as long as employers would take advantage of their workers. (As in ALWAYS). Sometimes they overstep but now they seem to be cooperating to get the U.S. back on track.
I am a retired Manager. If not for the unions we would bave taken advantage of the hourly's BIG TIME.
Still better than a Japanese or Korean company opening a plant in an area impoverishjed by their unfair, foreign government sponsored vehicles and hiring Americans at a rate their own countrymen (and women of course) would work for. I find it incredible that Americans use the Bailouts (which were or are being repaid) against American manufacturers when the foreign companies (especially Japanese and Korean) were and some are still highly subsidized by their governments. Remember, the headquarters and administration which is close to 33% of a company is outside the U.S.
Yah , but if it were not for the foreign automakers moving into America's rust belt states like Ohio, Indiana and Tennessee and creating decent paying jobs which people can live on and send their children to school, you do know where those people would be right? They'd be on the Unemployment/welfare lines.

The Day after GM got its bailout Money it announced a brand new Billion dollar plant but guess where? - In Brazil. Get it now?

Gee , i wonder why the autoworkers at HOnda in Ohio do not want a union?
My new vehicle just happens to be on the list but that had nothing to do with the purchase. I could give a wet dog's behind about the UAW/CAW or most anyother union you could name.

I actually agree with Bill( OMG
). I am the one who paid for the vehicle so I will buy what I like and I could care less if it is UAW/CAW or not. Unless they want to pay for it for me.

To be honest I find marketing promoting something as "union made" a BIG turn off not something that attracts me.
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