Zimmerman trial BITOG style....

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Originally Posted By: demarpaint
News flash, George Zimmerman found not guilty. Justice has been served.

if he had been found guilty, would you say justice had been served?
Originally Posted By: FXjohn
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
News flash, George Zimmerman found not guilty. Justice has been served.

if he had been found guilty, would you say justice had been served?

It doesn't really matter now does it?
This entire subject comes down to democracy at the core, in which every person is allowed to put in an opinion. At the same time, people need to realize that with 300 million (plus) people in this country, it's hard to put in a solid opinion that is considered "right" by the majority. By the way, that's all you're going to please, is the majority. You will literally never have every single person in this country completely agree on one subject.

Now as the trial went, who would or would not stop and at least ask what a person is doing, following them (jumping on them in aggression is a different story, but what would you do?). What would you do if you were being attacked? All of these questions fall to separate individuals in a situation, with completely different mentalities.

Now, as a country, we have to figure out what the fine line between self defense and "murder" is. Put every individual's thoughts on a single page. Get ready to read for months.

Most tend to follow "wise" statements that they read first, either "it was wrong" or "it was right" because of the "following evidence". But, no one but the two individuals involved can actually state what was going on in their minds, and what they were thinking of doing.

Misinformation that we are fed should be a red flag, as no one but those involved can actually know what happened. This is nothing more than a debate that may be argued for all time, in the society we have at least.
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Originally Posted By: FXjohn
Originally Posted By: AVB

I could go either way on that one. I think it depends on the force being used and what the victims threshold is. I don't think it is unreasonable to use deadly force in that situation.

you'd just take the word of whoever was still alive.

Just be clear, I would consider any available evidence. Without evidence proving the survivor to be lying it doesn't matter what you think about them.
I'm not attacking, just trying to make a general statement.

The evidence has always been there, since what we consider "evidence" is witness and the individuals involved testimony. We know the events that occurred obviously, the final outcome. This debate in courts is nothing more than morality issues; was it justified, or was it wrong. As I stated before, you wont get everyone in this country to agree on one subject.

In the end, I want to end my post with the question of:

What would you have done in their shoes in that particular instance?
Originally Posted By: FXjohn
Originally Posted By: andrewg
The judicial system worked as intended.

why be so gleeful about it though? think this will happen when they can't prove a black guy killed a white woman?

I'm not gleeful in any way about it. I actually have little interest in the entire thing. I don't particularly care about what occurred at all. And I certainly didn't bring up race in my post so I don't know what that has to do in your reply to me. What I am getting at is that the system worked...flaws and all. A fair trial, a fair jury....and a reasonable verdict based on how the judicial system works.
Depends on what sort of legal system that you want to live in.

Some places, you are automatically guilty, and you have to prove your own innocence (and they aren't all third world), while others the authorities have to prove that you did it. I vastly prefer the latter, although in Tax law, environmental law, and traffic law in Oz, they are moving towards the automatically guilty process, boiling the frog as it is.

If they elect to try you without sufficient evidence they you did it, then they are plain dumb...and the system works.

Nobody has to prove that he didn't do anything...they just have to prove that he did if they beleive that he did.
I have a simple question...if Zimmerman was African-American would there even have been a trial? Four African- Americans recently killed a white waitress for a piddly sum of money. Anyone hear of that in the mainstream media?
This thread has turned to racial comments. Everyone has a different opinion on the verdict and it is going off topic.
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