Wisdom Teeth Removal?

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I had the top ones removed on dental advice. One of them broke off and they couldn't get the root out. Hurt but is OK now.

I was advised to have the bottom ones out too but didn't, (The heavy CYA waivers on the form in case they paralyse your tongue put me off) and so far they havn't caused a problem.

You know you're old when dentists have given up recommending preventive surgery. No one washes up paper plates.
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle

My father in law had a similar issue, exacerbated by limited access to dental care until he was in his 30's...after consulting with a couple colleagues, his dentist decided to go a bit outside the box for a solution: she removed the last molars (one of which was decayed), making room for the wisdom teeth. 20+ years later, her unorthodox solution is working fine. If they bother you...it might be worth at least asking about that solution.

So far, my dentist hasn't seen it necessary for me to get my wisdom teeth removed, but I did need to have my last top right molar removed due to it being decayed. A few months later, that wisdom tooth grew almost perfectly into the empty space so I now have a full set of teeth again.
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
For some time now, my regular dentist has been strongly encouraging me to go to an oral surgeon and have my wisdom teeth pulled. The wisdom teeth are still below the gum line, but according to x-rays, they're at an angle and at risk of impacting my other teeth. He keeps saying this will lead to infections and to pull them out now because pulling them much later in life can be problematic.

I just don't know if it's a scare tactic to drum up business, or if this is really something I should have proactively removed. I am not in any kind of pain currently, and I have regular x-rays done. Part of me says, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, but on the other hand, I don't want to ignore what may be a valid medical advice.

What would you do? Pull them now? Keep them until issues arise?

I am in my early 40s.


Get them removed. It is NOT going to get better over time.
If you have a good surgeon it shouldn't hurt too much. Most of my life I've had three wisdom teeth, both uppers and lower right, lower left never showed up. More than enough room so no problems there but in recent years had the lower right and upper left removed, one because of a crack and the other had a cavity. Good oral surgeon in my town, was not a big deal.
Just have it done. When I was in the Navy, they looked at mine and said "They will be trouble someday" So out they came because I was going into Submarine service.

They will not get better. You may not recover as fast at your "advanced age" LOL. I am 43 next month, but it will be worth it.
Started with a new dentist in my 30s after a move and he asked when I had my wisdom teeth removed, he freaked out a bit when I said they had never been worked on and there had been no sign of them coming in.
After looking at my x-rays, he congratulated me for being "highly evolved" and having been born without whatever genes cause people to get wisdom teeth.
My daughter must have gotten my superhuman genes, as she also never developed wisdom teeth. My wife has had 2 removed and I'm sure the other two are gonna get her at some point.
I'm in the exact same boat. Top ones have been yanked, but the bottom two are still there and no problems whatsoever...I'm 54.
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