Windows Live Mail on Windows 10?

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Mar 2, 2005
I am going to continue to use Windows 7 on my primary computers for a long time to come (I hope); but I have an older, capable, computer that I am going to do a clean install of Windows 10. I want to work with it myself and see the pros and cons of the OS. I have been doing some research to gain some knowledge ahead of time.

Here is my question. Can I use Windows Live Mail on Windows 10? I have read articles that say yes, and some say no. I like my emails stored on my computer, not in the cloud. I want to be able to import my existing emails to the Windows 10 computer. Windows Live Mail does all I need, and I have read a lot of mixed reviews of Windows Mail on Windows 10. I know that Live Mail is no longer supported, but that is not a factor for me, at least not yet. If this OS doesn't work for me, Linux Zorin will be next!

Thanks for your time and help.
Yes, you can 100% use WLM on Windows 10 IF you have the old installed for it. Microsoft no longer distributes the program as of a couple of months ago.
I have WLM on my 10. The tech that set it up put it on for me. Works fine so far. My wife uses Gmail on hers, but I didn't want to change my email addee which I would have to do to use Gmail.
I am on Win 10 and tried to get Live Mail to work, but while it would work, it was too annoying. It would read the header for emails but take forever to load the body. And it would keep getting timeouts talking to the server. And some ABENDS.

After a year or so I went back to Thunderbird which I had used before. Thunderbird seems to have gotten better over time and Live Mail worse.

I believe MS no longer supports Live Mail.
i gave up trying to get it to work, and just use the built-in mail app in 10.
took a bit of getting used to, but it's perfectly serviceable for a free program, and is already installed.
Thanks guys. I appreciate all the replies. Reading the different results you have had, gives me several different paths I can take.
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