Wanna go for a ride? (filthy vehicle interior)

I agree, smoking isn't a social norm anymore and it's seen as nasty by most. The smoker needs to realize this and be even cleaner than normal. I make special precautions to hide my smoking, most that don't know me personally don't know/smell I smoke.
Most might not but smokers usually don't realize how badly the smell sticks and how many feet away it can be observed.
is there anything worse that mix of cigarette ashes and mold

a cat, when it poops, digs the dirt and covers its waste, while humans..... well, they rely upon another one to clean their mess :D
Detail Geek on YouTube gets some real nasty ones.
When I was in college, I worked on cars on the side. A guy brought in his old station wagon fishing car. That was the closest I can to puking in a car since a mountain road trip. It smelled up the shop.