Uubuntu 11-04 Review

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I upgraded to 11.04 on a server and one virtual machine over the weekend. It seems 'fine'... after a harrowing trial with an earlier version of adept (on kubuntu) leaving the server in a horrible state after it segfaulted during security updates and later having to manually take care of a shedload of dependencies (isn't that what a package manager is supposed to do?!). It's working again but without any of my previous confidence.

I also don't like the 'unity' desktop and will be removing it in favor of regular gnome. Based on my recent experience I'm taking the proactive step of downloading a Fedora iso this week to try out. Too many issues IMO lately with *buntu for me to consider it a long term solution.
I'm on 10.04 and apparently this will be the longest supported version so far, but correct me if I'm wrong. Seems like I hear it may not be the fastest, but might be the most stable and least buggy.
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