Unusual Jury summons.

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Jun 5, 2003
Apple Valley, California
My wife got a jury summons for Thanks giving week. Since we had her family in town and she didn't want to miss them they let her post pone her jury duty. They also gave her the option of getting notified by text.

Last night about 8:30 she got a text. It said that she had to be at the courthouse @8A this morning and if she didn't show up there would be a warrant for her arrest! Talk about a rush! What if we were out of town? What if whatever and she could not make it? We had her cousin with us and I had to take the kid to school since my wife had to be at the court house.

I'm all for doing our civic duty but we needed a little more lead notice.
I'm not sure a text is an arrest-able offense..

you missed our 12 hour notice text?? surely they could at least phone you or mail in advance.

How do they even know you are in town?
I have heard they threaten you like that in other Counties. San Diego County doesn't pull that stuff. I have a coworker in Riverside County and he gets the threatening jury notices. I think I would have ignored it and then called them at your convenience.
Wife received one, right when we moved from Austin to San Antonio.

They wanted her to appear at an Austin courthouse.

Took one phone call to the county, sign the back of the notice, and send it back, she was off the hook because we no longer live in that county.
Originally Posted by bdcardinal
I'm not saying it is right, but unless it was sent certified mail, they cannot prove you received it.

Exactly, there is no proof the text was received. A text is no way to contact someone for a legal matter.
In 2 months she could have gotten a new number, lost the phone, or any number of valid reasons, or as said, been out of town and unable to make it.
I know I would not make it if I had work, my work requires prior notice a copy of the summons to get off with pay.
I take a nap each day between 10am-2pm because of my medicine.If I cant sleep I watch reruns of Law & Order or Matlock. I'm over medicated/qualified for jury duty. Having IBS doesnt help either.I let one go the other day at Lowe's that would have made Ray Charles flinch.
Originally Posted by Chris142
Last night about 8:30 she got a text. It said that she had to be at the courthouse @8A this morning and if she didn't show up there would be a warrant for her arrest! Talk about a rush! What if we were out of town? What if whatever and she could not make it? We had her cousin with us and I had to take the kid to school since my wife had to be at the court house.

Who's the mental giant in the court system that came up with that rediculous process? More Idiocracy at work.

I'd be contacting the State's Attorney General or whoever that can make them remove the chaos and get some logical process in place.
I never heard of that, what if she didn't have a cell phone, and you had a land line with no answering machine and you were away? We are always contacted by mail, and know the time period of when we are supposed to serve. Now if they first contacted her and informed her that this was her week, she would have to be available, given a juror number, and given a number to call each night for a week [I think its a week] to see if she's needed or not. Around here we are always needed at least a day, or more, depending on the case.
Originally Posted by Donald
Be thankful its not federal jury duty. And even worse is federal grand jury duty.

I was never chosen for Jury Duty, although I was required to report (twice).
I don't mind fulfilling my civic duty, but when they threaten you with ARREST (on such short notice).

I always received notification by U.S.P.S.
Since you only have to serve every (7 years ?), I save the Jury Papers as proof of when I last served.
In this day and age, documentation is everything.
Originally Posted by Chris142
......Last night about 8:30 she got a text. It said that she had to be at the courthouse @8A this morning and if she didn't show up there would be a warrant for her arrest!

That is a scare tactic, and nothing but complete B.S. You cannot be arrested for not responding to text messages, or First Class Mail. It is why they have process servers, along with Registered Letters and Certified Mail. There has to be documented proof you received the notice. I've tossed those notices for years, and nothing has ever happened.
To MasterSolenoid's point.....documentation has always been everything.

In my county the jury notice was very clear.

It had spaces for corrections etc. Since I live close to the county seat I drop that stuff off and watch 'em stamp it..
Originally Posted by MasterSolenoid
I was never chosen for Jury Duty, although I was required to report (twice).
I don't mind fulfilling my civic duty, but when they threaten you with ARREST (on such short notice).

That is when I gave up on any and all of it. Several years back when I was working nights I received a summons for jury duty. (In the mail). I called the number and explained to the person on the other end I worked nights, and could not make it. He immediately got belligerent with me, and threatened me with arrest if I did not comply. I hung up on him, and tossed the notice, along with every one I received after it. I don't mind doing my civic duty either. But I'm not going to put up with some arrogant individual who refuses to even discuss the matter in a civil tone, and right away start making threats.

That was at least 10 years, and close to a half a dozen notices ago. If I received one today, I would have no problem going in whenever they needed me, since I've been retired for over 4 years. But it appears they've given up on me. I have talked to several other retired people, and they all said the same thing. When they were working they received notices left and right. As soon as they retired the notices all stopped. I guess they only want people who cannot attend without enduring some type of expense or hardship. That way they can create issues easier.
Originally Posted by Donald
Be thankful its not federal jury duty. And even worse is federal grand jury duty.

I got called in for that. If I had actually been selected, I would have had to drive from Syracuse NY to Albany NY every day
What a great strategy. Threaten a potential juror with violence. That will really put them in a thoughtful and cooperative mood.
Where I am when you hit 70 you no longer get jury notices. I am off the hook.
Originally Posted by Donald
Be thankful its not federal jury duty. And even worse is federal grand jury duty.

Even County grand jury is a headache. But it was a good experience learning and observing the justice system.
Originally Posted by dave1251
Originally Posted by Donald
Be thankful its not federal jury duty. And even worse is federal grand jury duty.

Even County grand jury is a headache. But it was a good experience learning and observing the justice system.

Ugh... I just got my Federal jury duty summons yesterday. 10 weeks of on call... gross.

Here's a question. I'm a single dad who has my son 50-75% of the time. if I actually got called in that would severely impact not only my work schedule and ability to earn money but my ability to pay for child care as well as my ex's schedule etc. She can't get from her work to his daycare in time to pick him up before they close, so I do even on her days to have him. If I got selected we'd be up a creek with no one to pick him up. Should I bother trying to write an exemption letter or has anyone had experiences with exemptions when it involves a child?
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