Total Shock -- 45 years old & having first child??

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Originally Posted By: Kestas
Start getting busy with garage sales in your neighborhood that sell baby stuff.

^^^, This 1,000!
Baby stuff are expensive! and they grow/change sizes like crazy
Originally Posted By: beanoil
Turns out I didn't know a darn thing. Learned it all (or it came full circle, toss up), the first time I picked my little girl up and held her...

The best moments where when i hold/touch my kids, and at less then 2 minutes age, they open their eyes and recognized Daddy's voice.

P.S. 36 hours of not sleeping could led to stories like "Snow White and the 7 motorcycle dwarf riders"....
you gotta start BITOG education early
Originally Posted By: andyd
Changing my grandsons' diapers is no big deal. Marina is "Nana" and I'm Pops. SIL's parents are local too. Between the 4 of us, my daughter works full time and the grandparents take care of the boys. Waay better than "daycare" Much closer to extended family in a tribal society.

You have no idea how lucky are your kids to have you.....
CONGRATS! and welcome to the club!

I'm 47 and having my first this month. I know the feeling and am excited, anxious, worried and elated...all at the same time.
My dad was 40 when I was born and my wife and I had our son when we were 37. Age alone is not that big a deal; just accept-as we did-that you'll occasionally be mistaken for a grandparent rather than the parent...
Originally Posted By: MCompact
My dad was 40 when I was born and my wife and I had our son when we were 37. Age alone is not that big a deal; just accept-as we did-that you'll occasionally be mistaken for a grandparent rather than the parent...

LOL, this is the running joke in my house. I'll have no issue since i'm self-deprecating. Hope the OP takes it in stride.
Congratulations !!!

What a blessing ! Enjoy, your life will be forever enriched by this experience and when you look back on it will all have been worth it and more. Joy in families is the top experience of humanity. Savor it.

I have a friend who became a first time father at 56. His wife is in her late 30's. It has definitely changed his priorities.
As a 31 yr old father of a 2 yr old and another on the way. This is my advice.

The kid needs a Mom AND a Dad, together, in the same house. I think you should get married.

Your world now revolves around your child.
Not saying the kid runs the show but your decisions will all be impacted by the baby.

Get Used Clothes/toys/books/strollers/crib/etc from eBay/garage sales/thrift stores etc.

Buy diapers/wipes on sale, check otherwise I have found aldi to be a decent value.

Breastfeeding is best, and free.

Once kid starts eating pureed/solids make your own.
Steam a sweet potato, carrot, apple etc and blend it up, put in ice cube trays, makes food for a week.

Once kid is 1 yr old they should eat what you eat, no cooking separate meals for the kid(this will probably make you eat more healthy food as well)

Be patient, and try to plan ahead, gone are the days of spending all day wrenching on your car. I can only work when the baby falls asleep.

Enjoy that baby, kids grow so fast and change so much, treasure your time with them.

I cannot imagine life without my sweet child.
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Congratulations!!! My daughter is almost 3 months old. I can not even begin to tell you how much of a blessing she has been to my wife and I's life. I am so excited for you.

I had a man just about your age in my practice who wasn't very happy about becoming a first time father. The lady was thrilled but he had to be talked off the ledge. When the baby finally arrived he had the biggest grin of any new father I've ever met.

My father was 45 when I was born. He always seemed old because he acted old. That's what people did in those days. As one example we couldn't go to the lake on Sundays because he had to rest. I hardly knew him until I was in my 20s, and he didn't live long after that.

My daughter's partner was also 45 when their first child was born. He doesn't act old so I'm sure their children will have quite a different experience. 45 year olds aren't old any more.

Enjoy the whole experience. Lots of work, lots of fun!
My wife and I were finally able to adopt a newborn baby girl almost 7 years ago (she was born 12/31/2010) I was 37 and my wife was in her forties (i won't put her exact age because after years of marriage I have learned self preservation). We did not have months of prep rather we had days to get everything squared away. The first few months where very hard but once you get in the rhythm and so does the kiddo life gets easier. Routine is what is important for babies and kids. Being older is physically more challenging but it keeps us in shape when typically people our age are starting to develop weight and health issues, I think I'm in better shape now than in my mid twenties plus it the baby made me quit smoking. Panic is normal, take a breath relax and draw up a plan, things will work out. Children are life changers but 99% of the time your life changes for the good not the bad.
Don't understand how something like this is a surprise if your "sleeping" with your girlfriend. There is ALWAYS, ALWAYS a "chance".

But that being said-parenthood has some upside. You will find out what things those are.

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Congrats! Remember that people pay THOUSANDS to have this opportunity. It will be life changing, but more in a positive way than you are thinking.
When I turned 50, I suddenly realized that I made a large mistake not having children. If I could go back in time, I'd have 3! Really.
I hope you're able to soon see the bright side of having a son or daughter. Today is a joyous day for our family, as we welcomed our 8th grandchild into the world. And it's also a proud day for us as parents of four children.
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