Time for a new computer? Mint?

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I would suggest Mint 17 with xfce.

All distros run pretty fast, the desktop is what makes it faster or slower. For general browsing, office stuff, etc., xfce is great. Thunar is the the stand file manager which works really well. Even if you install gnome apps on top of it, it still runs like a champ. Just stay away from KDE.

I've run them all over the years and my 2 all time favorites are Mint and Xubuntu.
Depends what you want to do with it. For web surfing you have plenty of horsepower. I run with less than you and have no problems with web surfing and video streaming, video editing would be another story. I found that chrome slows everything down. SSD would do wonders.
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Originally Posted By: Lubener
Depends what you want to do with it. For web surfing you have plenty of horsepower. I run with less than you and have no problems with web surfing and video streaming, video editing would be another story. I found that chrome slows everything down. SSD would do wonders.

As stated- he already has one.
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