The Avo-Latte


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Aug 7, 2020
Who came up with this idea? Gordon Ramsey called it one of the stupidest things
he's seen. What do you think? Interested in giving it a try? I am, just because it's
different and unusual, although I don't expect much from it.

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Personally have absolutely no use for an avocado or ruining espresso with milk or anything else. That sort of creation is likely pushing the neverending latte art 'trend' as well as the treehugging approach of avoiding the use of any type of cup and go as natural as possible.
I doubt there's any trend to latte art or that this recipe is sanctioned by the 'tree-huggers' or any subset of their evil empire.

I think this is just a gag...a joke....a food photo op.

My take is that a thoughtful food worker tasked himself with finding some use for empty avocado skins. Also, I detest anything which is even remotely suggestive of food waste. I even hate frivolous or disrespectful handling of food.

Flambe' suit on.
Do you drink it? Do you eat it with a spoon like soup, mixing the coffee with the avocado? Is the avocado just a vessel? I don't drink coffee, and avocado is pretty bland so maybe they taste good together?
Who came up with this idea? Gordon Ramsey called it one of the stupidest things
he's seen. What do you think? Interested in giving it a try? I am, just because it's
different and unusual, although I don't expect much from it.

View attachment 190613
Kinda gross food combo.

I've had an avocado smoothie, it was OK. But in general, I don't like avocado drinks. I will eat well made guacamole with relish and abandon, but otherwise it shouldn't be much processed. It's the perfect fruit from the natural container, maybe just with some matching topping.

I love coffee and I obviously grew up with and love avocado. I was a pretty poor kid, and we often had avocado sandwiches with salt and pepper before "avocado toast" was a $9.99 thing.

Also, I am a super taster. I'm starting to gag at that picture............out.................hahahahaaha
For every good avocado I've had or used for guacamole, avocado toast or whatever, I've probably had 4 terrible ones.
Why ruin a perfectly good espresso?
I doubt there's any trend to latte art or that this recipe is sanctioned by the 'tree-huggers' or any subset of their evil empire.

I think this is just a gag...a joke....a food photo op.

My take is that a thoughtful food worker tasked himself with finding some use for empty avocado skins. Also, I detest anything which is even remotely suggestive of food waste. I even hate frivolous or disrespectful handling of food.

Flambe' suit on.
Well lame latte art is quite popular and many people go to shops just for that sort of thing. Like some care for the look far more than the taste. The topic at hand is apparently legit for whoever chooses to go that route. A bit out of date, but guess it got somebody's attention.

I sure don't want to start one of those infamous spitting BITOG wars and many thanks for the NBC (Today show, right?) link but you gotta discount this latest 2017 phenomena as stillborn at best.

As a society we must develop a mindset which identifies "filler articles" sooner.
They'll keep making up stupid stuff and REPORTING it (why our ancestors fought and died, I know) if we keep reading (clicking on) it.

We must resist all these industry's to mine our clicks. These clicks help them feed us garbage.

Flameproof avocado suit on.