Storing a car in FL

Originally Posted by raaizin
We rented this winter and are considering purchasing something for the winter months. While speaking to an owner there who said she left a car in the garage and the tires were destroyed from the heat even though it was in a garage. This didnt sound right to me could this be possible. I am thinking the tires just aged out....

Florida isn't that hot. Humid? Yes. Hot? Meh. Especially not in a garage with no UV coming in.
Yes, Nick, it's not a DRY heat like Phoenix. But I've been living part time in FL for 10 years. I stopped keeping a car in my FL garage during the summers. If you have a not air conditioned, not insulated garage in FL with little or no ventilation, that inside temperature easily reaches 125-130 degrees in the summer, and that does a stored car no favors.